Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Archives for November 2018

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Pastor Post - November 28, 2018

As many of you know, I write a weekly column for the Suffolk News-Herald, which appears on Fridays. This is the column I wrote last week, and I wanted to share it with my church family as we give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. In 1841, Charles Dickens was on a book tour in America. One morning as he scanned an American newspaper, he saw a notice from the owner of ...

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Pastor Post - November 21, 2018

This Sunday is a special treat, as we welcome Edgar Aponte to the FBC pulpit. Edgar serves as Vice-President for Mobilization at the International Mission Board. He will be with his wife, Sara, and their children. I know you'll give them the warm welcome FBC is known for. IMB's Vice-President for Mobilization serves in an incredibly strategic role. Edgar's role is helping...

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Pastor Post - November 14, 2018

What an amazing journey it has been to walk through Romans with you all in 2018! This Sunday we will finish our study by looking at Romans 16, where we will explore what "Christian Friendship" is all about. As you read over the chapter, which contains the names of at least thirty people, consider the following: What kinds of diversity do you see? What expressions of l...

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Pastor Post - November 7, 2018

This week we will continue in Romans 15, as we talk about "Gospel Priorities" from Romans 15:22-33. As I mentioned from the pulpit last week, we are very blessed to have Luke Willette leading our congregational singing. God has gifted Luke with extraordinary musical talents, along with a humble, gentle, and loving heart. I also mentioned that Miguel Yustiz will be working...

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