February 11, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday as we continue in our Believe series through John, we will look at John 4:43-54 as we talk about, "The 2nd Sign: Your Son Will Live."
The first half of John contains seven signs of the Savior, all of which point to His glory and lead us to trust in Him. Sunday we will look at the second one and celebrate Baptism and The Lord's Supper.
What a joy to see so ma...
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February 4, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue walking through John, we will look at the glorious finale of the story of the woman at the well. The text is John 4:27-42. The title of the message is, "It's Harvest Time."
Wow there is just so much in this textso many riches, so much to rejoice inso much to propel us outward into the fields that are ready for harvest. So many men and women, ...
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January 28, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at one of our Lord's most tender encounters his conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. We'll dig into John 4:1-26 and talk about the fact that "Everybody Needs Jesus."
It is such a joy to encounter the Lord Jesus each and every week as we walk through John together. I'm excited about this Sunday!
And don't forget our Chili Cook-O...
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January 21, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue walking through the Gospel of John in our Believe series, we will be in John 3:22-36 the title of the message is, "It's Not About You." This passage gives us insight into John the Baptist, who understood that his life was all about giving glory to Jesus. He pointed away from himself and toward the Lord. That's what we are called to do point to J...
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January 14, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue walking through John, we will look at John 3:1-21. The title of the message will be "Born Again."
This encounter, with Nicodemus, is one of the most famous passages in the Bible, and with good reason. It is fundamental to our understanding of Christianity. Speaking of that, let me strongly encourage you to invite unsaved friends to hear this mess...
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January 7, 2025
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Happy New Year, FBC family! I'm so excited about the opportunities that await us as a church this year to grow in Christ, to know Him and make Him known.
Toward that end, we have begun a new series, walking through the Gospel of John. It is called Believe, named after John's purpose statement of why he wrote: "These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the M...
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December 18, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will be in John 1:14-18 as we ask the question, "Why Trust Jesus?" I am enjoying this Advent series and can't wait to share this message with you on Sunday. It is a wonderful text for your friends who are not yet in Christ. Make a call. Invite them to join you.
My prayer is that you have a very Merry Christmas! I hope you'll make plans to join us at 5pm on Ch...
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December 10, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue with our Advent series, The Word Became Flesh, by digging into John 1:10-13. The message is entitled, "Born Of God."
What does it mean to be a child of God? How do we become a child of God? What does it mean to "believe?" To "receive?" To be "born again?"
These verses take us deep into the heart of our Christian faith. It would be a wonderful...
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December 3, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, December 8th, is one of the highlights of the year at FBC our Ingathering for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Our goal is $60,000for the last, the least, and the lost. What more important gift could you give this Christmas? There isn't one. Our IMB missionaries rely on this offering to be able to be sent to the field and to be able to stay on the field, w...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at one of the most mind-blowing prophecies in the Bible, in Daniel 9:24-27, as we talk about "Daniel's Faithful PrayerGod's Final Answer." Sometimes it seems as if the world is just spiraling out of controlas if history is simply spinning. But the Word of God tells us something different, namely that a sovereign God is in control and that history is ...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in Daniel, we will look at Chapter 10, which includes a vision of Christ in His glory. Be praying for this Lord's Day as we look at Daniel 10 and talk about what it means to "Behold Him".As 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am excited to get into the Word with you this Sunday! We will be digging into Daniel 10:10-11:1, as we talk about "An Unseen RealmAn Unstoppable Redeemer." This passage opens our eyes to the unseen conflict that is waging around us, the spiritual warfare that is happening. We are not bystanders in this battle, but participants. We can either allow ourselves to be manipul...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue walking through Daniel, we will look at Daniel 10:20-11:20, as we talk about "The Nature Of Our Warfare." This section of Daniel covers hundreds of years of history, and we will see that all of history is being moved by God toward His appointed ends.Speaking of history, this will be my last column before the election next Tuesday. If you haven't...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at Daniel 11:21-45 as we talk about "The Strange Case Of Mr. Hyde And Mr. Hyde." Of course, in the classic horror novel there is a good character, a "Dr. Jekyll." In the latter part of Daniel 11, there is no "good guy." There are two very bad ones the forerunner to the Antichrist and the Antichrist himself.But evil will not prevail! The Antichrist w...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our journey through the amazing Book of Daniel. What a thrilling ride it has been! For all the encouraging words you have given through this series, thank youyour encouragement and prayers mean so much. It has been a joyous experience, as the Holy Spirit led me into this book and captured my heart week after week while studying to teach and preac...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
We begin digging into it this Sunday by digging into John 1:1-5. The title of the message is, “Light Won And Light Wins!”
This will be an excellent time to invite unsaved or unchurched friends to come with you. This is a time of year when many people are considering spiritual things. Join God in what He is already doing in the lives of people and invite them to...
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December 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in Daniel 7:1-14, where we see "The Everlasting Kingdom."
This study of Daniel is called Kings and Kingdoms, because the Book of Daniel is all about earthly kingdoms that do not last, and the Kingdom of God, which will last forever. That Kingdom is ruled by the King, our Lord Jesus Christ.
There is a present dimension of that Kingdom, and a future ...
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August 8, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in Daniel 6:1-28. This is one of the most famous chapters in the Bible, and for good reason: it is an amazing story! The title of the message is "The Angel's Den."
This story is a classic, and it has timeless applications. I can't wait to pour into it with you. Even if you are somewhat familiar with it, I believe you'll learn some new things that ...
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June 11, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As you receive this, I will be in Budapest with our missionaries. Please pray for these meetings to be fruitful. Melissa, Cassidy, and I are grateful to represent you as we build relationships with and encourage our people there. They are grateful for churches like FBC that are so generous and engaged with the IMB!
I am grateful to Dr. Jordan Jones for bringing the Word t...
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June 4, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week I will be headed to Budapest, Hungary with Melissa and Cassidy on my final mission trip as an IMB Trustee. We ask for your prayers as we travel and engage with multiple teams of missionaries there.Budapest is a hub city for our teams in Europe, so this is an opportunity to encourage many of our workers in one place.
Thank you for all your support during the past...
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May 28, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week in Daniel we will look atDaniel 2:1-23. The title of the message is"To God Be The Glory."
Chapter 2 is a key chapter to understanding the theme of the Book and also the character of Daniel himself.
As we will see, he is eager to point to God and away from himself. Daniel is no "glory grabber." His single-minded focus is the glory of God.
May Christ be glorifie...
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May 21, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy this past Sunday to begin walking verse by verse through Daniel!
This Sunday, we will be in Daniel 1:8-21. The message is called "Taking A Stand."
Let me encourage you to read over the text and come prayed up and ready to feast on God's Word. And be sure to call that friend and invite them to join you.
See you then!
By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nation...
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May 14, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy to begin our new series in Daniel this past Sunday, as we talked about what we have to look forward to as we walk through this Book. As we saw on Sunday
Daniel is a riveting Book.
Daniel is a revealing Book.
Daniel is a relevant Book.
If you had to miss on Sunday, let me encourage you to go check out the message on audio or video. It will whet your appet...
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May 7, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am so excited about this Sunday, Mother's Day. (Moms, Happy early Mother's Day to each of you!!). We will begin a brand-newseries on the amazing Book of Daniel. FBC family, we are about to walk through one of the most fascinating parts of God's Word, and I can't wait to take this journey with you. The series is called Kings and Kingdoms.
As the Gaither's once sang, "Kin...
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April 30, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our series on2 Timothy. Our text will be 2 Timothy4:9-22. The title of the message is "ComeBefore Winter."
What a great joy it has been to walk through1 2 Timothy with you! It has been enriching in so many ways for me, as I trust it has been for you.
Beginning May 12, we turn our attention to the Book of Daniel. Our new series, Kings and Kingd...
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April 23, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will be in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Our message will be "Crossing The River."
This passage is the Apostle Paul's epitaph.He is looking back, looking at his presentsituation, and looking at his glorious future with the Lord. It is a great opportunity for us to do the same. This is one of those passages that forces us to take stock of our own lives. I can't wait to sha...
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April 16, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we begin the final chapter of 2 Timothy, and what a chapter it is! The Apostle Paul knows he is very close to death. Soon after he writes these words, he will be martyred for the cause of Christ.
So as he gives these final instructions toTimothy, he is speaking with the urgency of one who knows he is about to die, and ispassionate that the work of Christ will go...
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April 9, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It is good to be back in 2 Timothy after we took a break for "Who's Your One?" andEaster. This series is called Finish The Race, and we are going to finish our study of this great letter by walking through chapters 3 4.
This Sunday we will be in 2 Timothy 3:10-17, where we find "A Charge To Keep."What a fantastic passage this is for Christian living and for standing on t...
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April 2, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful joy to worship together on Easter Sunday! The entire service was such a blessing baptism, songs of praise, anddigging into the Word of Godand so many people. Fantastic to see a packed sanctuary. I'm sure many of you brought people who are special to you, that you have been praying for. Ask them to return with you we celebrate the resurrection and preach ...
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March 26, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What joy this past Sunday to celebrate Palm Sunday and the Lord's Supper together! There is a great spirit in our church, because the living God is working among us.
This Sunday is the highlight of the Christian year: Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day! Praise God for our Savior, crucified, buried, and risen. Praise God for our union with Christ that our past is buried and ...
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March 19, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, a special date on the Christian calendar. We remember that Jesus rode into Jerusalem at the beginning of Passion Week to die for our sins and be raised. Accordingly, this Sunday we will take a close look at the day our Lord was crucified, and on Easter Sunday we will take a close look at His resurrection.
Our text for this Palm Sunday will be M...
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March 12, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to be back with you this past Sunday! What a joy to be able to teach during the Sunday School hour aboutwitnessing and then to preach the Wordduring worship. A full day, but a great one!
Always remember that our sermons, as well as the Sunday School evangelism seminar on evangelism, are videoed and archived so that you can go back and watch or listen. Often i...
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March 5, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am excited to be back with you this Sunday, after a wonderful time with family. I'm so thankful to Pastor David and Jeff Mingee for the messages they have brought the past two Sundays to kick off Who's Your One?
We are going to continue that theme thisSunday, as I bring a message called "Sharing The Good News" from 2 Kings 6:24-7:11.
We have been given so many spiritua...
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February 20, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
For too many Christians, evangelism is something we know we should be doing, but don't get around to doing! It is so easy in our busy lives to put evangelism on the shelf. Adding to that, the devil tries to plant all kinds of excuses in our minds for not sharing the good news of Jesus.
But our Lord has commanded us, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men" (...
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February 6, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be digging into2 Timothy 2:14-19, where we see the characteristics of "An Approved Worker."
All of us have the privilege of working for the King! How do we attend to the King'sbusiness? How do we represent Him as His ambassadors? How are we to handle His Word?
This is a text with a special emphasis for pastors, but every healthy Christian must learn h...
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January 31, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at 2 Timothy 2:8-13, which calls us to "Remember" the mostimportant things about Christ, His Word, and our union with Him.
I am absolutely loving preaching 2 Timothy on Sunday mornings and teaching Daniel on Wednesday nights! If you are free on Wednesday nights, let me encourage you to come out for the Daniel study. We meet in the sanctuary from 6...
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January 24, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at 2 Timothy 2:1-7 and talk about what it means to be "Strong In Grace."
This text, like all of Paul's second letter to Timothy, is absolutely loaded with encouragement. Paul, who knows his death is near, is pouring out the most powerful messages of encouragement that he can to his son in the faith, and to us.
I hope you'll read over this text in...
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January 17, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will dig into 2 Timothy 1:13-18 and talk about "Keystones of ChristianLiving." As always, I encourage you to read over the text in advance and pray for the service. Remember, the living God can do beautiful things that are impossible for human beings to do. Pray for Him to be at work when we gather for worship on Sunday.
Also, who is out there that you can in...
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January 10, 2024
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I pray that your New Year is off to a great start, and that 2024 will be a year of God doing a new thinga very special thingin your life!
We had a wonderful Christmas season at FBC,especially in regard to our Lottie MoonChristmas Offering. You gave over $72,000 to reach the last, the least, and the lost around the world. To God be the glory.
As we look toward the winter ...
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December 20, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
By the time this reaches you, it may beChristmas or past Christmas but I pray that you are enjoying the holidays and drawing close to Jesus!
This weekend is a special one, as Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. We have two great services planned:
On the December 24th morning service, we will continue in our Home for Christmas series by looking at Psalm 2, and talking ab...
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December 13, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday as we continue in our Home For Christmas series, we will look at Psalm 81 and talk about "The Call To Come Home."
The story of us all is that we choose to rebel against our Father and go to the far country. We choose to worship false gods. But God in His amazing grace calls us to repent, to return to Him, to return to where true happiness and fulfillment is fo...
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December 7, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a fantastic Lord's Day this past Sunday our sanctuary is absolutely beautiful, and we began Advent with a new series called Home For Christmas. We are looking at different Psalms that show us what it means to come home to God. I'm so excited about this series!
And what a wonderful blessing it was onSunday night to join our voices together in song and Scripturethis w...
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November 29, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Christmas is coming soon! I'm excited about our new Advent series, beginning on Sunday morning Home For Christmas.
One of the central themes of Scripture is that we are yearning for home. The Bible begins with God giving Adam and Eve a perfect homea home which is lost because of sin.
Jesus, in his most famous parable, tells us the story of a rebellious young man who wen...
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November 22, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As you receive this, I pray that you have had a Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be grateful for, beginning with the fact that God sent His Son to redeem us from sin and death.
Now we turn our attention to Advent, the countdown to Christmas. Beginning December 3rd, we will begin a Christmas sermon series called, Home for Christmas. It is all about coming home to God...
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November 15, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish 1 Timothy by looking at 1 Timothy 6:11-21, where Paul gives some passionate "Final Words" to Timothyand to us.
These words are incredibly inspiring! Read over the text and pray over it as we lookforward to the Lord's Day. I'll see you then, with a Bible in my hand
This Fall series, Fight the Good Fight, has been a joy for me, and many of you ha...
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November 8, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at 1 Timothy6:1-10 and talk about "Finding True Contentment."
How ironic is it that Americans live in the one of the wealthiest nations in history, yet survey after survey shows that most of us are deeply unsatisfied with our lives?
This Sunday we are going to look at one of the greatestpassages in the Bible about contentment. How is it found?
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November 1, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into chapter 5 of 1 Timothy, and talk about "Life in the Body" from 1 Timothy 5:1-25.
This is a chapter in which Paul is addressing a number of topics with Timothy, all of which impact the health of the Body of Christ, the church. I'm excited about mining these treasures with you!
It has been a great Fall here at FBC. Wasn't it great to see over a...
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October 25, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue walking through1 Timothy, we will look at 1 Timothy 4:11-16 and talk about "Marks of Faithful Ministry."
This passage has special application forpastors, but it contains tons of gold for all of us. All of us are examples to others. This text tells us about how to set the right example.
This passage also contains a word tocongregations about the ...
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October 18, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our series,1 Timothy: Fight the Good Fight, we willdig into 1 Timothy 4:1-10. The title of themessage will be "Flight and Pursuit,"because Paul is instructing Timothy (and us!) about some things to flee from and some things to run to.
I hope you'll be in your natural place on the Lord's Day, and that is in corporate worship. How badly we nee...
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October 11, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into 1 Timothy 3:14-16 and talk about "The Pillar And Foundation Of The Truth." This is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. This passage is one of the most important and beautiful ones in this letter. It gives us a majestic portrait of the church, its identity and its message. Read over it, pray over it, and take it in. Then come prepared to dig in...
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October 4, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we look at 1 Timothy 3:1-13, we'll talk about "Aspirational Leadership."
This section is about pastors and deacons, but it is really about all of us. With the exception of two qualities "able to teach" and "not a new convert" every single character qualification for pastors and deacons is also something that is commanded of every Christian!
So we will t...
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September 27, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue to walk through1 Timothy, we will look at 1 Timothy 2:1-15 and talk about "Worship in Spirit and Truth."
The hub of a worshipping community is itsworship service on the Lord's Day. It is no surprise that Paul wants Timothy to help the Ephesian church get back to healthy practices in regard to this, so chapter two containsseveral instructions ab...
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September 20, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as we continue in our Fall series, Fight The Good Fight, we'll dig into1 Timothy 1:18-20, and talk about "Fighting WellAvoiding Shipwrecks."
How do we fight the good fight? How do we avoid crashing on the rocks? How can the church be a beacon of light in thisbroken and chaotic world?
Read over the text. Pray over it. Pray for God to move inpower. Pray for saved...
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September 14, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our Fall series, 1Timothy: Fight the Good Fight, we will dig into 1 Timothy 1:12-17, where Paul shares his testimony. It is a testimony of "Overflowing Grace."
Let me encourage you to dig into this text and let the river of His grace overflow. Be praying for this Sunday, that the Spirit will flow like rivers of living water.
Is there a fri...
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September 6, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As I write these words, my heart is somewhat heavy, but at the same time rejoicing. Early this morning (Tuesday), Melissa's mother,Mary West, passed away. On the one hand, our hearts are grieving. We have a close,loving family, and she will be missed. Please pray for my precious wife, Melissa, who has honored her mom in countless ways, and who loved her dearly. Pray for Ma...
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August 30, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is the first Sunday of September, and we are going to kick off Fall with abrand-new series: 1 Timothy: Fight The Good Fight.
For months, I have been marinating in 1-2Timothy. We will do 1 Timothy in the Fall, and 2 Timothy in the winter and early spring. These are incredibly important books for Christians to know deeply, especially in these times we live in, w...
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August 23, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our summer series, Communion with the Living God, by looking at Romans 15:20-33, and seeing what it means to be "Abandoned To God."
This text is different than the others in thisseries, in that Paul is asking the church to pray for him. What does he ask them to pray for, and why? We really get a glimpse into the Apostle's heart in this text, as ...
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August 16, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Philippians 1:3-11 as we talk about "Praying With GospelFocus."
The opening verses of Paul's letter to the church at Philippi are filled with joy and thanksgiving. Even though Paul writes from prison to believers who are suffering the fires of persecution, there is so much joy in the Lord! In fact, the theme of joy is pervasive throughout the f...
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August 9, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday I am so excited to preachEphesians 3:14-21! When most people think about Paul's prayers, this is usually the one that springs to mind, and for good reason: It tells us about "The Riches Of His Glory."
Read over and pray over it as you prepare your heart for the Lord's Day, and for the Lord's Supper, which we will celebrate after the message.
This passage brin...
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August 2, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in ourCommunion With The Living God series,we will look at the incredibly richEphesians 1:3-23, as we talk about"Eyes OpenedGlory Seen."
In verses 3-14, the Apostle Paul unpackssome of the staggeringly wonderful blessings that are ours in Christ. Then, in verses 15-23, he prays that our eyes will be opened to see the wonders of these blessings....
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July 19, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our new series, Communion with the Living God, we will look at the prayer that the Apostle Paul prays for the Thessalonian believers, in1 Thessalonians 3:11-13. The message is entitled, "A Heart For God's People."
This is a passage where Paul just puts his heart right out there. He loves these people so much. Where did that love come from? W...
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July 12, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It is wonderful to be back home after a very fruitful trip to visit with our IMB missionaries who are working in Europe. Thank you, church, for your prayers and for your steadfast support of our gospel workers!
The event Melissa and I got to be a part of was attended by team leaders from various European countries, and by singles andcouples who have been on the field six ...
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June 26, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our series, Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, in the only appropriate wayby talking about his resurrection. We will look at Luke 24:36-53 and talk about "Our Risen and Ascended King." This is the culmination of the story, and I can't wait to share it! Be praying for our time of worship this Sunday.
It was a joy last week to represent you at the Southe...
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June 14, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday and next, we will finish up ourseries on Luke, which we called Tell Me The Story Of Jesus.
How can we finish up a series called "Tell Me The Story Of Jesus" without finishing with the cross and resurrection of Jesus? We can't. This is the heart of the gospel. As the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, "For I passed on to you as most important what I als...
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June 5, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Luke 19:1-10, as we talk about the mission of Jesus, "To Seek And To Save The Lost."
This text is key to understanding Luke's gospel, and reveals the heart of our Lord so beautifully and clearly. It is his mission statement.
Of course, His mission is our mission!
Speaking of a heart for the lost, one person who exemplified this as powerfully...
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May 24, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at another classicparable that is unique to Luke's gospel, The Pharisee And The Tax Collector, fromLuke 18:9-14, and talk about "The Only Way To Be Right With God."
What a contrast we see in this parable! There are two men...two prayers...two destinies. Read over it and pray over it. Prepare your heart for the Lord's Day. Call a friend and invite ...
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May 16, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy to worship our Risen King andcelebrate Mother's Day this past Sunday! It was such a blessing to see so many of you there with your families.
Speaking of family, Melissa and I are so grateful to our church family for consistently being so supportive of ours. This past week andweekend we celebrated both of our daughters graduating. Courtney is headed into nursing...
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May 11, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is Mother's Day...make a special effort to express thanks to God for your mom, and thanks to your mom if she is still with you. The command to "honor your father andmother" is always in force for God's people.
As we look at God's Word this Sunday, we will be in Luke 17:5-19, talking about "Marks Of Growing Disciples." This is a particularlytender and beautiful...
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May 3, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Luke 16:1-14 and Luke 16:19-31 and talk about "Echoes in Eternity."
The decisions we make in this life will resonate forever, one way or another. This is a powerful, weighty passage. It is about eternal destinies, heaven or hell. It is about leveraging the one brief life we have, and all that God has given us to manage, for His glory.
Read ove...
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April 26, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Luke 15:11-32 as we talk about "The Way Home."
This parable, commonly known as the parable of the Prodigal Son, is a masterpiece. Last Sunday, we looked at verses 1-10, where Jesus gives us the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin.
In both those parables, we see the samepattern:
Something of great value is lost
A passionate search ...
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April 24, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin looking at one of the classic chapters of the Bible, Luke 15. Inresponse to criticism that he ate with "taxcollectors and sinners," Jesus told threeparables, back-to-back-to-back. They are only found in the Gospel of Luke. We will look at the first two this Sunday, the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin.
As you read over Luke 15:1-10, n...
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April 12, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy to celebrate the risen King this past Easter Sunday! How awesome to see our church full, and to hear people praising God with full hearts.
As I walked this morning, the trees were in beautiful, full bloomsigns of God's faithfulness and the new life he brings. Jesus is risen! What a blessing to see the new life we are seeing him give to people through the witnes...
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April 5, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What morning awaits us this Sunday! EasterResurrection Day. There is nothing like it, and that is why Christianity is unlike any otherreligion. We have arisen Savior and King.
Because of that, we can be made new. Our past buried, raised to walk in newness of life, alive in Christ!
We will talk about all these things this Sunday as we look atLuke 23:50-24:39and talk about...
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March 29, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Luke 14:15-35 and talk about "Responding To And Following Jesus." This will be a great Palm Sunday text, as we prepare our hearts for the Lord's Supper. Can't wait to see you then!
What a joy this past Sunday to celebrate the baptism of Angel and Jackie Velez, and their son, Angel! Christ is still building his church, and what a privilege it is...
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March 22, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue in our series,Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, we will look atLuke 14:1-14 and talk about "Pride andHumility."
Pride is one of the toughest things we battle as believers, because it is so deeply ingrained in our sinful nature. No one has to teach us to be sinfully prideful!
But Jesus calls us to humility, which frees us to live fully and joyfully and...
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March 15, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to be back with you on Sundayafter catching a breather for a few days with family! I love our church and what God isdoing among us.
This Sunday we'll look at Luke 13:10-21. The message is entitled, "Set Free By Jesus."
Jesus brings freedomtrue freedom. He sets us free from the bondage of the enemy, the bondage of sin and death. This Sunday, we'll look at an ...
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February 22, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, we will look at Luke 11:1-13, and learn about "Praying With Confidence."
In this incredible text, our Lord teaches us about how to pray and to Whom we arepraying. When we know those things, we can pray with joyful, expectant confidence! Read over the text and meditate on it and be praying for the service this Sund...
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February 15, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week in our series, Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, we will look at Luke 10:38-42. The title of the message is "One Thing."
This is another passage that is unique to Luke's gospel, and it is incredibly important and powerful, especially in our time and culture. We live in an age of distraction and worry. There is an epidemic of anxiety, as our lives are pulled in so many...
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February 8, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday as we continue in our series,Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, we will look at one of the most famous parables, in Luke 10:25-37, and ask, "How's Your Love Life?"
There is a great danger when we look atparables like the one that is called "The Good Samaritan." The danger is that we can subtly assume that we know what there is to know about this story.
That is never...
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February 1, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our series,Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, we will look at one of the most powerful stories in thegospels, in Luke 7:36-50. The message isentitled, "Much ForgivenessMuch Love."
Read and pray over the text in advance. Think about the main characters. Where do you see yourself in the story? How is Jesus meeting you through his Spirit here? What is...
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January 25, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
We are off and running in our new series,Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, in which we arewalking through Luke. What a thrilling story this is! We are especially focusing in this series on texts that are unique to Luke's gospel.
This Sunday we'll do that again. The story that is told in Luke 7:11-17 is found only in Luke. It is a stunning display of our Lord's merciful compassi...
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January 18, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to get into our new series this past Sunday. In Tell Me The Story OfJesus, we are going to study the Gospel of Luke by looking at some key texts, allof which lead us to the cross andresurrection. Between now and Easter, be digging into Luke. Marinate in it. What an exciting story it tellsa story we are to go and tell.
This week, we'll be in Luke 5:1-32. The m...
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January 11, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we begin a new series, a journey through key texts in the gospel of Luke. We are calling this series, Tell Me The Story Of Jesus.
Is that not the story that our broken world needs to hear? Is that not what we ourselves need, as followers of Christ? Let us behold our Savior in this series, that we may love him more, and be filled with his love for others more.
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January 4, 2023
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Happy New Year, FBC family!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, celebrating the birth of our Lord and His faithfulness in giving us the opportunity of a new year to make a difference in this broken world around us.
People so need Christ in these days. Will you share with them the good news thattransforms and gives eternal life? Who's Your One this new year? What l...
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December 14, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our Adventseries, Christmas Wonder, we will look at1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. The titles in this series are coming from famous Christmas songs and movies, and this week it is"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."
The themes of joy, thanksgiving, and the peace that comes through prayer pervade this great text. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 is an e...
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December 7, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was a joy on Sunday to launch our Christmas series, Christmas Wonder. I've been working ahead and am thrilled about where this series is going. I hope you'll be present for each message and bring friends. This is a great time of year to invite unchurched friends and family, because secular people are oftenthinking about spiritual issues during thisseason.
This Sunday o...
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November 30, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Christmas will be in the air this Sunday at FBC! Our sanctuary will be beautifully decorated, and we will begin a new series calledChristmas Wonder. I have been working hard on this series and am super-excited to share it with you!
We live in a world that has forgotten how to be lost in wonder. Hopelessness and joylessness are pervasive in our lost and broken culture. But...
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November 16, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will conclude our study of the life of David by looking at some episodes from the latter part of his epic life. As we've seen, David's life is a sweeping drama that points to a Greater David, the ultimate Son of David, the Lord Jesus. We will see that again this Sunday. Our message will be, "Pointing To A Greater King," from 2 Samuel 12-24.
In this message,...
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November 9, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at a dark episode inDavid's life. The message is, "Great SinGreater Grace," from 2 Samuel 8-12 and Psalm 51.
Scripture never whitewashes the lives of men and women. It includes their sins as well as their virtues, their failures as well as theirvictories. That's for a couple of reasons:
We need to look to the Lord, "fixing our eyes on Jesus" (Heb...
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November 2, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our series,David: After God's Own Heart, we will look at the end of 1 Samuel and parts of the first few chapters of 2 Samuel, as we talk about "Glorifying The Forever King," from1 Samuel 31-2 Samuel 7.
We will see the tragic ending to the lives of Saul and Jonathan, and the beginning ofDavid's reign as King. Most of all, we will look at the ...
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October 26, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in 1 Samuel 21-24, and talking about "Life On The Run."
This is a period of time when David is quite literally running for his life. Saul is chasing himhunting himwith all the power of the state behind him.
It is a bleak, dark time for David. He has been anointed as the rightful and future king, he is a man after God's own heart, and yet he is hidi...
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October 19, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue to walk through the fascinating contours of David's life, we will look at 1 Samuel 18-20 and talk about "The Gift Of Friendship."
This past Sunday, we saw that David wascatapulted into national prominence afterslaying the giant, Goliath. Remember the key difference between David and the otherIsraelites?
They compared themselves to the giant,...
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October 12, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be looking at one of the most compelling stories in the Bible, as we look at 1 Samuel 17 and look at the story of David and Goliath. I am calling this message, "Run To The Battle."
When we look at familiar stories like this, there is a danger: The story can become overlyfamiliar to us. We can slip into the trap of thinking we know all there is to know ...
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October 5, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to get a new Fall series kicked off this past Sunday. In David: After God's Own Heart, we will be looking at one of the central lives in the story of the Bible. David was not only a king, but the writer of many of the most beloved Psalms, and from his seed would come our Savior and the King of kings, Jesus.
On top of all that, David's life is utterly fascinat...
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September 28, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I want to thank you all for praying for meduring my recent trip to the Middle East. We were able to visit a place where no Trustee has ever visited, and where basically no one could visit until the past few years. What God isdoing there is amazing! This nation is opening to the rest of the world, and God is opening hearts to the gospel. And you are a huge part of it, throu...
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September 21, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Thanks so much for your prayers during my trip. It was wonderful and there is much to share on Sunday! What God is doing around the world in some of the hardest places is truly amazing, and our IMB workers never cease to inspire me.
I'm excited to be back with you this Sunday, as we finish our study of Joseph: God Meant It For Good.
This Sunday, as we wrap up our study w...
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September 14, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
By the time you read this, I will be in theMiddle East, visiting with some of our churches' workers. Please hold me up inprayer during these days, that God would make this trip especially fruitful. Pray forlogistics, travel, and most of all for the Holy Spirit to work in and through me to bless and encourage our workers, and learn about the great things God is doing throug...
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September 7, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our study of the life of Joseph, we will look atGenesis 44:1-45:15. The title of the message is, "Oh, What God Can Do!"
In many ways, this is the climactic moment of the story. This is where it has all been leading. You won't want to miss this Sunday!
Our Fall schedule kicked off this Wednesday night, with AWANA, Student Midweek, and a disc...
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August 31, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our study of the life of Joseph, God Meant It For Good, we will look at Genesis 42-43 and think together about "The Beauty Of Reconciliation."
In chapters 42 and 43, Joseph and his brothers see each other for the first time in many, many years. But we know that a family reunion is not the same thing as a family reconciliation.Joseph wants mo...
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August 16, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue our series onJoseph, we will be in Genesis 40, talking about "When Waiting Is Hard."
For a while, it seemed like Joseph's life was on hold. Sometimes our lives feel like that. Those times can be discouragingyet God's timing is perfect.
Read over Genesis 40, come prayed up, and let's dig into it on Sunday. If you have missed these first couple ...
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August 10, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue in our new series, based on the life of Joseph. We'll be in Genesis 39, talking about "Dealing With Life's Detours."
Sometimes we all feel like life has thrown us a curveball. We feel like we are on a detoursomething that just doesn't fit with how we had our life mapped out.
That was certainly the case with Joseph. As we will see inchapter 39...
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June 8, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Aloha from Hawaii! It has been great to kick off our Sabbatical by visiting this beautiful place for the first time.
Being with Melissa and our girls, taking in the breathtaking nature of these islandswe've made some lasting memories here already.
One of the most inspiring things for me was visiting Pearl Harbor, where almost 2500Americans died on December 7, 1941. It wa...
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May 25, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our "Discover Joy" series by looking at Philippians 4:1-23, which shows us "The Path To Peace."
How can we be at peace with others? With ourselves? How can we have a peace that transcends circumstances? We'll talk about all of that on Sunday.
What a great blessing it has been to walk with you through this "Epistle of Joy!"
In June and July, I ...
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May 18, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Philippians 3:10-21 as we see how to keep our "Eyes On The Prize." What is the ultimate goal of the Christian life? How do we pursue it? Who do we pursue it with?
Those are some of the issues that we see in this classic text in Philippians. We are running a race that is not a sprint, but a marathon.How can we stay faithful over the long haul?
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May 11, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Philippians 2:19-3:9, as we talk about "Precious Gifts From God." It is such a blessing to walk through the letter to the Philippians with youit pulsates with joy!
Be praying for the service and read through the text in advance, asking the Spirit to open your eyes to see the beautiful things in God's Word.
And be praying for our country. It is...
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May 5, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin a May series onPhilippians. It is called Discover Joy. Philippians is one of the Prison Epistles, along with Ephesians and Colossians and Philemon. Paul writes these letters from prison, in Rome, where he has been incarcerated because of his bold faith in Christ.
And yet Philippians pulsates with joy! You see, the enemies of the gospel could put ...
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May 5, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was a great blessing to begin a newseries on Philippians last Sunday,Discover Joy.
This Sunday we'll cover 1:27-2:18, as we talk about "Walking Together."
In the course of exhorting the believers in Philippi to walk in the humility and unselfishness that promotes unity, the Apostle Paul gives us a strikingly beautiful picture of the work of Christ. I can't wait to loo...
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April 13, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
There is no day for the Christian like Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the fact that trumps everything Jesus is risen!!
What can we do to get ready?
Pray: Be asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you during these Holy Days, and open your eyes to the wonders of hope of the gospel. Be praying for believers around the world. And be praying for lost people around the world, b...
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April 6, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, as we remember the beginning of Passion Week, when our Lord Jesus went to the cross for our sins. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together andfinish our Upper Room series by walking through John 17:20-26 and looking at"The Prayer of Jesus, Part II."
Be reading over the text, and be in prayer
Thank you so much for praying for me during my r...
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March 30, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Thank you all so much for praying for meduring my recent trip to India! I can't wait to tell you more about it on Sunday. Let me say this for now: I felt your prayers every step of the way. From beginning to end of this trip, the hand of God was on it. We had smooth travel with no delays, and were able to utilize time to the max. God is doing some amazing things in this wo...
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March 23, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Pray for me this week, as I will be in South Asia on a trip related to my service as a Trustee of the International Mission Board. As you read this, I should be on the ground, meeting with our missionaries, and getting to know national believers and church leaders. God is doing incredible things in this part of South Asia, with multitudes of people coming to Christ, and ou...
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March 16, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at John 16:16-33 as we talk about "The Way to Joy, Peace, and Courage."
What a beautiful passage this is. Read over it and pray over it in advance of Sunday morning.
This Upper Room series is such a wonderful preparation for Easter, which is coming soon April 17th. Be praying for that family member or friend that you will invite to meet you at c...
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March 9, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into John 15:18-16:15, as we continue in our Upper Roomseries. This text is all about how "JesusPrepares Us For The Journey."
We are all on a journey, a pilgrimage, as we walk through life. We are not home yetwe are on our way home. Along the way, we will face persecution. Jesus has much to say about that in this text. We also must be filled with t...
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March 2, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
What a precious time on Sunday, to look back on the last 10 years, and look forward to the years to come! Our decade as pastor and people has been blessed by the Lord. When God called us back to Suffolk, times were very difficult in our church family. Our church was hurting. The past decade has been one of healing and unifying around the mission our Lord ...
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February 23, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue walking through Jesus' teaching in the Upper Room, as we look at John 15:1-8, and think about "SpiritualIntimacy With Christ."
This is one of the best known and lovedpassages in the New Testament. What does it mean to "abide" in Christ? Let's talk about it on Sunday!
Sunday also marks 10 years that I have been privileged to serve as your past...
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February 16, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a blessing last Sunday to hearLindsay share about what the Bible says about marriage and how God has worked in and through he and Barbara's marriage! I know you were blessed, and so was I. Let us love one another as Christ has loved us!
This week we will get back to our Upper Room series, as we look at John 14:15-31 and talk about "New Life In Christ."
Wow are these...
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February 9, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday will be a special treat. Since it falls the day before Valentine's Day, I thought it would be great for us to hear about love and marriage from one of the most inspiringhusbands I know one of FBC's own, LindsayPoteat. Months ago, as I looked at this date, I thought of Lindsay and his bride, Barbara, and their story. I asked Lindsay to share about Christ-like l...
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February 2, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was so great to be back in church this pastSunday! What a wonderful, Spirit-filled service God gave us. God is at work in our church, despite Covid, and despite weather events for three straight weekends.
I was reflecting earlier this week about some of the things that had happened in just the past day or so:
New people baptized.
A new ministry launched with the Cr...
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January 31, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It has been a few years since we got a nice snow, but it finally came last weekend! I missed seeing you. This Sunday we will pick up right where we would have been, last Sunday. As part of our Upper Room series on John 13-17, we will look at John 13:18-38 and talk about how "Jesus Prepares Us For The Mission."
Remember, whenever these cancellations occur, the needs of the...
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January 19, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a great blessing it was this past Sunday to hear from Toby DeBause, the President of the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater.Toby did a wonderful job of expounding Psalm 139, reminding us that God regards human life as precious and that includes life in the womb.
For many years, our church has supported the CPC of Tidewater through our Baby Bottle Campaign and thro...
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January 12, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to get started with our new series on Sunday! In this Upper Room series, we will get training in discipleship from Jesus Himself! He takes us into the Upper Room to send us back out into a world that needs Himonmission.
Speaking of missions, I just can't stop praising God for enabling our church to meet ourLottie Moon Christmas Offering goal of $60,000. So th...
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January 5, 2022
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and may God bless you in this New Year! 2022 is filled with opportunities to grow in Christin your love for Him and for others. "Lord, do a great work in us this year. Draw us closer to you. Draw us closer to our brothers and sisters in Christ. And draw people who are not yet in Christ to yourself. Grow us and use us. We are available ...
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December 15, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue with our Adventseries, Characters of Christmas, we'll look at some "Surprising Characters."
Have you ever stopped to consider thegenealogy of Jesus, which is found inMatthew 1:1-17? It's a part of Scripture that we often skip over.
Don't worry we won't be talking about every name in the genealogy, but we will look atseveral of them, because the...
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December 8, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue with ourChristmas series, Characters ofChristmas, we will look at "The Angels: Messengers from God." We'll look at Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 at the angelic appearances that are a part of theChristmas story. How do they relate toour story? Let's talk about it on Sunday.
It was a wonderful Lottie Moon Ingathering this past Sunday. We kicked off our ...
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December 1, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.Truly, we are blessedmost of all, with aSavior, whose birth we now turn our attention to as we approach Christmas.
This year, for Advent, we will be looking at some Characters of Christmas. Each Sunday and on Christmas Eve, we'll focus on some of the figures of the Christmas story and see how they point to Christ.
First up: The Wis...
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November 23, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I pray that you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Truly, as those who have been rescued by Christ, we have so much to be thankful for!
That's what we are going to be talking about this Sunday: "Rescued To Be A Rescuer" from Romans 10:5-15. As we prepare for our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering ingathering service on December 5, we are going to kick off our LMCO We...
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November 17, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy it was to walk through Esther with you all! God has placed us all here "for such a time as this," and He is always working,sovereignly and providentially, for His glory and our good. Praise be to Him!
This week we will dig into a Psalm that is filled with the theme of Thanksgiving. I hope to see you on Sunday as we look at Psalm 95, and "Enter His Presence With...
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November 9, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will conclude our study ofEsther by looking at parts of Esther 8-10. The message is, "A Night In PersiaA Night In Bethlehem."
All along the way in Esther, we have seen how this amazing story points to the Savior. God was preserving the Jewish people, because from them the Savior would come. We will see that again on Sunday. I just love preaching from the Ol...
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November 3, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue our study ofEsther, we will look at Esther 7, as we learn about "A Tale Of Two Kings." No two could be more different than King Ahasuerus and King Jesus, the King of kings. Let's talk about it on Sunday.
What amazing time last Friday night at ourFall Festival Trunk Or Treat!! It was anabsolute joy to see so many families walking around with th...
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October 26, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue our study of Esther, we will look at Esther 5-6, and see whathappens "When God Displays His Power."
This has been a thrilling series to work on!Esther contains such a great message for our lives and "for such a time as this." Speaking of our times, let me encourage you to get out and vote in our state and local elections, which will be held on Tu...
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October 20, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue our study of Esther, we come to the moment of crisis: Esther isgoing to be called upon to risk her life for her people. As her father, Mordecai, tells her, God has put her in her position "for such a time as this." Will she seek to guard her life, orconsider the steadfast love of the Lord better than life? (Psalm 63:3)
Read over our text, Esther ...
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October 13, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy to begin a six-week study of theexciting book of Esther this past Sunday! This week, we will look at Esther 2:5-3:6. The title of the message is "Beauty And The Beast."Be reading and praying over the text inadvance.
Let's take a few moments to celebrate what God is doing in our church this Fall. Even in the midst of the COVID challenges in ourcommunity, God is ...
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October 6, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin a six-week journey through the exciting book of Esther. Do you love a good story, with lots of twists and turns, and a dramatic reversal? Don't we all! Esther is just such a story. Except this story is true.
Like Esther, we are living far from home. Like Esther, we are strangers and exiles in thisfallen, sinful world. Also, like Esther, we have a...
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September 29, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a blessing this past Sunday to finish Ephesians with Paul's powerful section onspiritual warfare. Let's stay "armored up!"It has been a rich experience to walk through this incredible letter with you over these past few months. May the Lord bless it with fruit that remains in our lives.
Beginning October 10th, we will spend six weeks in the exciting book of Esther. W...
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September 22, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will talk about "Principles of Spiritual Warfare," from Ephesians 6:10-24.
What a powerful text this is, and a text wedesperately need. We are in a battle. Ourenemy is not human, but a supernatural foe, the devil, who has a whole hierarchy ofdemonic powers working for him. Fortunately, he is not all-powerful. That is an attribute which belongs only to God. ...
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September 15, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
It was wonderful to be back together in one service this past Sunday, to celebrate baptism and the Lord's Supper together, to raise our voices in song together, and to open God's Word together. Also so refreshing to have more time for Sunday School and fellowship.
It was a great day!Saturday night was such a blessing as well, as many gathered to pray on the 20th anniversa...
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September 13, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
This Sunday will be an exciting time inthe life of our church, as we moveOnward Together into a new church year. The past year and a have been incrediblydifficult for churches and for society as awhole, with all the divisions and distancingof Covid. This Sunday we will gathertogether in one service for the first timesince March of 2020.
I am so excited to be able to be ab...
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September 1, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Ephesians 4:17-32 and talk about "Taking Off The Old AndPutting On The New." The Apostle Paul here pictures the transformation of believers byusing the metaphor of changing your clothes. There is an old wardrobe for Christians toremove, and a new one to put on.
Remember to be praying for all our Fallactivities:
September 11: Night of Prayer ...
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August 25, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Ephesians 4:7-16, as we talk about "The Diversity and Maturity of the Body."
Last Sunday, in verses 1-6, we looked at "The Unity of the Body." But unity does not mean uniformity. God has made the Body of Christ to have a beautiful diversity! We are diverse in our giftings, every believer has a spiritual gift, and all the gifts are vital for the b...
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August 18, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It is great to be back home, after a very fruitful trip overseas. Thank you, church, for your steadfastsupport of missions. You can feel great about the people we are sending and the work they are doing!
As the dog days of August are winding down, it is time to look toward the Fall, which will be anexciting one for our FBC family. We are calling this Fall "Onward Together...
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August 11, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Paul's powerful prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. The passage begins with Paul saying, "For this reason I kneel before the Father". He then poursout his heart in prayer for the church.
Read over this prayer and make it your prayer. I encourage you to open your Bible right now and do this. The prayers of the Bible are wonderful aids to us as we pray,...
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August 4, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was such a blessing to get away with my bride to the mountains for a few days to catch our breath amid a busy season of ministry. I am so thankful for my dear friend, Darrell Thomsen, bringing a special word on1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. It is one of my favorite passages, and one I encourage people to commit to memory. "Rejoice alwayspray without ceasinggive thanks in allc...
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August 4, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As you read this week's column I will besomewhere in southern Europe, visiting with gospel workers that could not be on the field without your support. It is churches like ours, who give faithfully to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, that send and sustain these precious heralds of the good news all over the world.
As you read these words, p...
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July 26, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
How wonderful it has been this weekseeing all these precious children laughing and learning about Jesus on our churchcampus! VBS is such a sweet and strategic event on our annual church calendar, and we praise God that we were able to have it again this year. I am so thankful for Wilson,Colette Dolen, and all our workers, who served with such joy and dedication! Pray that ...
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July 14, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Ephesians 2:11-22. The title of the message is "One In Christ." Here Paul delves into one of themajor themes of Ephesians, the unity of the Body of Christ.
I am loving this series. God drew me toEphesians many years ago, and it has been wonderful to dig into it afresh and anew with you all, my sweet church family.
One person who has served our...
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July 7, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at one of the greatest texts in the New Testament, Ephesians 2:1-10, "From Death To Life."
I can't wait to unpack it with you!
Pray for our Mission Fuge campers this week. We have 39 students and 8 adults that are at North Greenville University, in South Carolina. God can use this week in mighty ways. Pray that many of our students will look back...
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June 30, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as we continue in our new series, Ephesians: Becoming Who We Are, we'll dive into one of the great prayers of theApostle Paul, in Ephesians 1:15-23, and see "How Your Prayers Impact Your Church."
In verses 3-14, Paul tells us about ourblessings. In verses 15-23, he is praying that God would open our eyes to see thoseblessings and grasp them and put them into pra...
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June 23, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It is great to be off and running in our new series in Ephesians. This week we will look at Ephesians 1:9-14, and talk about "Signs Of Present AndFuture Glory."
As you read over this massively encouraging text, look for the images Paul gives us. A plananinheritancea seala down payment. What do these images communicate about the present and the future?
It was wonderful to...
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June 16, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we'll begin a new study onEphesians, as we look at Ephesians 1:1-10, which tells us about "A Cascade OfBlessings."
I'm super excited about this study. It's been six or seven years since our church has studied Ephesians, and it's such an important book that I felt led for us to walk through it with fresh eyes and perspective. (By the way, when I am preaching a bo...
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June 9, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we welcome someone we dearly love to our services, as Nashaat will be with us. You'll want to be with us, as he shares in both services about his recent trips.
Due to the pandemic, it has been a longer than usual time since Nashaat has been with with us, and so this will be a wonderfulopportunity to catch up on what's been happening in his life and ministry. And...
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June 2, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will honor our 2021 graduates. Just think about how different the experience has been for this year's grads: They'vepersevered through a pandemic and all the protocols and restrictions that have come with it. Sunday is an opportunity to recognize them and give thanks to God for sustaining them through it all. Graduates, congratulations on a significant accom...
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May 26, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday our journey through Isaiahconcludes with a look at Isaiah 66, where we are presented with a choice: "Final Judgment or Future Joy?"
What a conclusion Isaiah has, as he sets before us two starkly contrasting results, based on the choice we make now. Right now countsforever. We can choose the way of falseworship or the way of true worship. The way of true worshi...
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May 19, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at Isaiah 65, as wecelebrate "A New PeopleA New World." This is one of the most beautiful and hope-filled chapters in the Bible. I can't wait tounpack it with you on Sunday.
As you read this our students will be involved in Operation Suffolk. Be praying for God to work in them and through them as theyworship and serve others this weekend. You'll hea...
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May 12, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll plumb the depths of Isaiah 61. These final chapters of Isaiah are truly some of the most beautiful things ever written. They are meant to fill our hearts with hope and encouragement. This Sunday we'll take a look at "Renewal and Restoration," from Isaiah 61:1-11.
Jesus quoted part of this chapter during his ministry like so many other passages in Isaiah...
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May 6, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Isaiah 60, which is a beautiful vision of the New Jerusalemthe New Heaven and Earth. Truly, all things will be made new in Christ!
As you read through Isaiah 60, notice theemphasis on the nations. It is clear that the new world God will bring about will include people from every tribe and tongue(Rev. 5:9-10). It is also clear that sorrow and te...
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April 28, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will explore Isaiah 58:1-12 and talk about "Fake Religion vs. True Relationship." This is an incrediblyconvicting passage. It shows us thedifference between religious pretense and a love relationship with God. The differences are stark, but often hard to see at first. But Isaiah lays them bare in this powerfulchapter.
If we come at this text with the idea tha...
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April 21, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will delve into Isaiah 57:13-21, and talk about "Taking Refuge In God."
There is so much here: What obstacleshinder us from returning to God? What must we understand about his character and promises as we flee to him for refuge?
I am so enjoying digging into this text, and can't wait to unpack it with you on Sunday. See you then.
By His Grace, For His Glory...
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April 14, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It will be wonderful to be back with you this Sunday, after a brief post-Easter time ofrelaxation. Melissa and I were able to spend a long weekend in beautiful Charleston, SC. It was great to be able to get away as a couple for the first time in well over a year, and to do so as fully vaccinated people. We enjoyed crowded restaurants without the fear ofgetting Covid or spr...
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March 31, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
New Testament scholar NT Wright has written, "Ask people around the world what they think is the biggest day of the year for Christians. Most will say, 'Christmas.' The true answer is Easter. This is the moment of new creation. If it hadn't been for Easter, nobody would have ever dreamed of celebrating Christmas."
In fact, if it weren't for Easter, there would be no Chris...
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March 24, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, one of the great days on the Christian calendar. We will take the Lord's Supper and look at John 11:1-44, which takes place just before Passion Week, and foreshadows the death and resurrection of Christ.
Read through John 11, and ask the Spirit to take you deeper into the gospel. And then come prayed up for Palm Sunday, eager to worship the One...
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March 17, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Isaiah 55. The title of the message is, "If You're Thirsty."
In Isaiah 55, God is graciously inviting hispeople to come to him, to return to him. He is inviting us to a feastand the bill has already been paid by the Servant. You see, what we've studied for the last two weeks inchapters 52 and 53 leads directly to theinvitation of chapter 55! So...
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March 10, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Isaiah 53:6-12, the second half of the final Servant Song in Isaiah. It is truly amazing that these words, whichvividly depict the suffering and death andresurrection of our Lord, were written well over 700 years before his birth!
I can't wait to dig into this text with you on Sunday, and take the Lord's Supper together, as we look at "The Suffer...
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March 3, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at the first part of Isaiah's final, climactic Servant song, in Isaiah 52:13-53:5. This is where all the servant songs have been leading Jesus is theServant who suffers and substitutes himself for our sins, so that we can be "Healed By His Wounds."
We will take the next two weeks to unpack this Servant song, which runs from Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Th...
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February 24, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Isaiah 52:7-12, as we talk about "The Victory of God."
Wowis this text encouraging! I can't wait to preach it. Jesus has won the victory, through his death for sinners, and his resurrection from the dead. He is now ascended and exalted at the right hand of the Father, and will return to rule and reign.
Let us go forth and herald this to the na...
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February 17, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday in our study of Isaiah, we will look at Isaiah 51:1-8, as we look at the subject, "Breakout From Discouragement."
Discouragement is one of Satan's most sinister weapons, which he frequently employs to beat us up and steal our joy. Therefore, we should battle against it. How can we experience breakthrough in this area? Let's talk about it this Sunday.
Last wee...
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February 11, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at another "servant song" from Isaiah. These vivid portraits ofJesus that we see in Isaiah are just sobeautiful.
This week we will look at Isaiah 50:4-10 and talk about "The Obedient Servant."
All of us have failed to obey God as we should. But Jesus, the Suffering Servant, obeyed perfectly. Praise God that we can be united by faith to One who ob...
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February 3, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday will focus on the second "Servant song" of Isaiah. These songs are found in chapters 42, 49, 50, and 52-53, and all of them reveal Jesus, the Servant who suffered on our behalf.
Read over chapter 49, especially verses 1-13. What do you see here about the Servant? Who is Jesus? What does this passage reveal about his heart and the salvation that he brings?
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January 27, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into Isaiah 45:20-25, in which God says, "Turn to Me and Be Saved!" It is both a gracious invitation and a gracious warning. This is just another deep and beautiful passage in Isaiah, and it reveals God's heart for the nationsand for you.
Also on Sunday afternoon our pastors will host a Team Parent workshop on "Communication within the Home." There...
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January 20, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
What a blessing to worship together this past Sunday, and to celebrate Christian baptism. We rejoice with Hannah Emerson, who wasbaptized. Be praying for Hannah, as she follows Jesus as her Savior and King.
This Sunday we will look at Isaiah 43:1-19 as we talk about "Precious Promises of God." This is just a massively encouraging text, and abeautiful one. Let us cling to ...
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January 13, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
This Sunday we will begin looking at one of several "Servant Songs" in the book of Isaiah. These are Messianic passages that paint avivid portrait of Jesus. Most of us are familiar with one of them (Chapter 53), but there are actually four of them. This Sunday we will look at the first one, in Isaiah 42:1-16. Themessage is "Captivated By Christ."
Let me encourage you to r...
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January 6, 2021
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was such a blessing to get back into our study of Isaiah this past Sunday.
I am so looking forward to unpacking chapters 40-66 with you. These chapters are so full of Jesus!
This week we'll look at Isaiah 41:1-20, "When Your Story Is Swept Up Into The Big Story."
We will see God's heart for all peoples, and our part in Hisdrama of redemption. And we will see that his...
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December 16, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Christmas is almost here! As we move toward this 4th Sunday of Advent, and Christmas Eve, let me encourage you to draw near to theSavior who drew near to youby coming to you.
To help us do that, I've been preaching aseries called Faces Around The Manger. This Sunday we'll conclude that series by looking at "Mary: God's Humble Servant." Our text will be Luke 1:26-38. Read ...
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December 9, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful celebration of Christmas this past week, as we kicked off our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering with an "ingathering." So far, after just one week, we have taken in$22,183. Every penny of this will be used to send and support missionaries, as they make disciples and plant churches by sharing the gospel and sharing mercy and compassion with people around the w...
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December 2, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
The calendar has turned to December, and we are moving into the heart of the Christmas season at FBC.
This Sunday we will begin a special three-week Christmas series entitled, Faces Around The Manger. This week, we'll look at Luke 2:8-20, and focus on "The Shepherds: The FirstMissionaries."
Speaking of missionaries, this Sunday is our Ingathering for the Lottie Moon C...
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November 25, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a sweet blessing to focus onThanksgiving this past Sunday, as we looked at 1 Chronicles 16, and then to take the Lord's Supper. I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving week.
It was also a blessing this past Sunday topresent a check for $10,000 to help with refugee work in Bangkok. The COVID crisis has produced aheartbreaking humanitarian crisis in many parts of...
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November 18, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we are going to look forward to Thanksgiving by looking at 1 Chronicles16:1-36, which is "A Song Of Thanksgiving."
This is just one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible. It is a song in which God'sgoodness is celebrated, his faithfulness isremembered, and his glory is declared. It will help you get your Thanksgiving week started off right!
We will also...
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November 11, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish the first part ofIsaiah, as we look at Isaiah 38-39 and think about the subject, "Finish Well."
These two chapters are just loaded withimportant things for us to think about: the sheer mercy and kindness of God, miracles, life after death, human pride and folly, and our need for a greater King than any human can ever be. Thankfully, we have such...
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November 4, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was so exciting to preach from Isaiah 36 last week! As I mentioned, Isaiah 36-39 justpulsates with suspense and brims with richspiritual principles.
This week we'll look at chapter 37, whichreveals King Hezekiah's reaction to theAssyrian threats that we saw in chapter 36. His reaction is a model for how all of us should react to a crisis he takes it to the Lord, and p...
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October 28, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin a new section of Isaiah, as we look at chapter 36 and ask the question, "Who Are You Relying On?"
Chapters 36-39 of Isaiah are a bridge between chapters 1-35 and 40-66. They are different from any other part of the book. Most ofIsaiah is poetrybeautiful, powerful,gospel-drenched poetry. Chapters 36-39 are prose. They are a spine-tingling historic...
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October 21, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at anotherstaggeringly beautiful prophecy from Isaiah. We will be in Isaiah 25:1-9 as we talk about "The Day When Death Will Die."
Praise God, the Bible teaches that death will be destroyed when King Jesus returns! Let's talk about it on Sunday.
What a blessing it was this past Sunday to take part in bothordinances of our faith, baptism and the L...
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October 14, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll look at another beautiful prophecy from Isaiah 11:1-9, as we talk about, "When King Jesus Reigns."
My mind and heart have been filled to the brim this week with the hope and glory of these verses, and I can't wait to unpack them on Sunday!
Also on Sunday we will feature a Team Parent Workshop from4:30-6pm in the Family Life Center. Our topic will be "Di...
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October 7, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll dig into Isaiah 8:16-9:7 and talk about "God's Word And The Savior It Reveals."
These cool breezes of Fall are a reminder that Christmas is not far away. Our text this week is one of the great prophecies about thecoming of Christ.
Actually, we'll talk about both his first coming and his second coming this Sunday. Hope to see you there!
By His Grace, Fo...
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September 30, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll look at Isaiah 7:1-17 and Isaiah 8:11-14 and talk about "Trusting God In Your Crisis."
This is where "the rubber hits the road" for us: Do we trust God when our faith is tested? Or will we give in to fear and panic?
We'll talk this Sunday about fighting fear with faith, and fighting panic with God's promises. You'll be greatlyencouraged, not just to tru...
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September 23, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It's good to be off and running in our journey through Isaiah. As you've been able to see already, this is a Book that pulsates with the gospel. Isaiah is full of Jesus and the good news of the gospel!
This week, we will look at one of the mostfamous passages from the book, Isaiah 6:1-10. We'll talk about "An Encounter and aMission."
Up until this point in the Book, God ...
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September 2, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Hey FBC family!
I'm praying for you to have a great September, as we speed toward Labor Day and the fall.
This Sunday will be our last message inSummer in the Psalms. I have so enjoyed this series, walking with you through some of the Psalms, and especially seeing how Christ is right in the center of the Psalms. Thanks for your wonderful feedback on this series. It warms...
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August 26, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Psalm 112, which tells us about "The Good Life." This is very different from the "good life" of the American dream. It's not based on materialistic comfort or wealth or circumstances. It's based onreverencing God, putting him first, andcentering life on him so that our character is holy. This is a life God blesses.
We began Summer in the Psalms...
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August 19, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week in Summer in the Psalms we will dig into a Psalm that is quoted more than any other in the New Testament. In fact, itcontains a verse that is quoted in the NewTestament more than any other OldTestament verse.
Psalm 110 is another Royal Psalm. It has some similarities with Psalm 2, which we looked at earlier in this series. Here in Psalm 110, we see another majes...
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August 12, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our Summer in the Psalms series, we'll look at Psalm 91, as I speak on the subject, "Fear Not."
Psalm 91 contains scores of precious promises about the protection of God for his people. But what does this mean? And what does it not mean? Over the past few months ofpandemic, this particular Psalm has been much abused by false teachers. We'll ...
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August 10, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue in our Summer in the Psalms series, we'll look at Psalm 84 and talk about "The Pull of Home."
Read and meditate on Psalm 84 in advance of Sunday. It is another incredibly beautiful Psalm, which was sung by pilgrims on their way to worship in Jerusalem.
This is a Psalm that tells us where our true home is. To an extent, we will always feel a se...
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July 29, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at the beautiful Psalm 81. The title of my message will be "Honey From The Rock." Read Psalm 81, and you'll see why!
This is a song that mingles celebration,admonition, invitation, warning, remembrance, and encouragement from God's incredible promises.
I believe God will use us to draw us to himself, that what is said in 1 Corinthians 10:4 may be...
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July 21, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I'm looking forward to being back with you this Sunday, as we look at another classic Psalm, Psalm 51. I've entitled this message "Coming Home," because David is returning to the Lord after a time of sin in his life.
Psalm 51 is a heartfelt cry of repentance. It reveals the depth of our sin, and the depth of God's mercy.
For as long as we live in this fallen world, we wi...
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July 7, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into one of the most cherished passages in the Bible the 23rd Psalm.
Often we hear Psalm 23 at funerals. It isentirely appropriate in that setting, and it has brought comfort and hope to millions who grieve. Yet Psalm 23 is not primarily about death, but about knowing God.
David begins with the words, "The Lord is" Then, for the rest of the Psalm...
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June 30, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC family,
I'm looking forward to being back with you all this Sunday, as we continue with our Summer in the Psalms series. ThisSunday, we'll look at the incrediblybeautiful and challenging Psalm 16, as we talk about "The Beauty of theGod-Centered Life."
Read and pray this Psalm in advance of Sunday. Note thesingleness of David's focus in verses 1-8. Pray and medit...
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June 17, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday in Summer in the Psalms we will be looking at Psalm 2, which, along with Psalm 1, is sort of an entryway into the Psalter. Psalm 1 is about how we are to regard God's word. Psalm 2 is about how we are to regard God's Son. It is a messianic psalm, a royal psalm. Jesus shines through clearly!
Read over Psalm 2 in preparation for Sunday morning. The message will ...
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June 10, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC family,
This Sunday we'll start a new journey in God's Word, as we begin a new series, Summer in the Psalms. We'll look at one Psalm each Sunday this summer, and by the end of this series my goal is that you'll be loving the Psalms more than ever, reading them more than ever, and praying them more than ever.
The Psalms should be a part of every Christian's daily...
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June 2, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC family,
First, let me thank you for all your kindness to me and my family in the loss of my sweet mom. Jennie and I and our families are deeply grateful for every expression of love andconcern. We have such a caring family at FBC.
Momma was in so many ways shaped as adisciple in the context of our church. She and my dad were nurtured and grown in this faith fami...
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May 27, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Hey there, FBC family! This past Sunday wasa historic one, as we were able to hold"in-person" worship services for the first time since March 8th. It went so well.
I am deeply grateful to all our pastors and staff and volunteers, who worked so hard to see this happen smoothly. And our people were just wonderful super warm and loving, yet keeping proper spacing all the wa...
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May 19, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As we transition into a new phase this week, with in-person worship gatherings for the first time since early March, I want to first of allexpress thankfulness for your faithfulness as a church family during this time. Despite the fact that we could not meet physically, you have continued to stay connected to oneanother through your calls, you have faithfully ministered to...
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May 13, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
This past Friday the Governor said "I anticipate and hope" to allow certain activities in Virginia to resume on the 15th of May. If this stands, it willinclude churches, which would be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity, with strict protocols in place.
Our pastors and deacons have been thinking for some time about how we might resume meeting, if given the...
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May 6, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
I trust you and your family are doing well this week. I continue to be incredibly blessed as a pastor by all the reports I hear about our church familyministering to one another as brothers and sisters during this time, and also blessed to see FBC's ministry to healthcare workers and vulnerable people in our community. Our church is "being the church" ev...
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April 29, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
I pray that you and your family are doing well, and I am looking forward to the day when we can meet together for worship again. We don't know exactly when that can be, but let's pray that it will be sooner rather than later.
The prayers of God's people are so important for bringing an end to this pandemic. Please pray faithfully for breakthroughs on eff...
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April 22, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Hey FBC Family,
I am praying that you are staying spiritually and physically healthy during these difficult days. God's Word tells us that trials canactually be times of incredible growtha time when God does a new thing in us. He says "Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the...
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April 14, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC family,
I trust that you had a wonderful Easter. No matter what is going on around us, Jesus is alive and he is Lord!
As we think about the effect of the COVID-19 crisis going on in this country, it's important to remember that this is a Pandemic an illness that is spanning the whole globe. As I hear from our missionaries, they are going through the same thing ...
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April 8, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
As we are walking through Holy Week during this time of "social distancing," my prayer for you is that you are "drawing near" to the Savior.
This is such a special week for believers. I have been posting devotional meditations for each day of this week, taking a look at what Jesus was doing on each day and its significance for us. Check them out on Faceb...
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April 8, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
These are quite the times we are living in, as COVID-19 has now arrived full force on our shores. This week, as you know, a "stay at home" order was issued for Virginians until June 10, with a ban on gatherings of ten or more until that time. However, the order may be "amended or rescinded" if things aregoing well.
The truth is only God knows. The news c...
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March 25, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Hey FBC family,
These are difficult days for us as a country. It is certainly challenging, but it is important toremember that our nation has been through much worse two World Wars and other wars in which hundreds of thousands of American lives were lost, and millions more overseas. So although the coronavirus situation is a serious disruption, it is not that kind of a s...
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March 18, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC family,
The news about the coronavirus continues to change day by day, and hour by hour. In fact, by the time this newsletter reaches you, it probably will have changed again! Over the past few days, meetings of more than 100 have been banned in our state, and meetings of 50 or more have been strongly discouraged by the CDC. The latest news, as I write, is that g...
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March 11, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue to work our way through the Sermon on the Mount, as we look at Matthew 7:1-6, as Jesus talks aboutsomething we all want to avoid: "The Critical, Fault-Finding Spirit." As always, read and pray over the text in advance. It will help you get the most out of it on Sunday.
By this time, we are all aware of thecoronavirus that is making its way aro...
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March 4, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into a text in whichJesus addresses one of the most common battles we face worry. How can we win the battle over worry? Matthew 6:25-34 provides answers.
Why do we allow worry to steal joy from our lives? How does this happen? Why does it happen? How do we fight against it? We'll see that our Lord gives us some powerfulammunition in this fight!
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February 26, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue to walk through the Sermon on the Mount, we'll look atMatthew 6:19-24, which forces us to answer the question, "Is Christ Your Treasure?"
Be reading and praying over the text inadvance. Also this Sunday, we will celebrate Christian baptism. Pray for the three who are being baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
It is...
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February 19, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue our study on the Sermon on the Mount, as we look at "The Lord's Prayer, Part 2." Our text will be Matthew 6:11-15.
We'll also celebrate The Lord's Supper together. Communion is always a sweet time for our faith family, and I can't wait!
Sunday night is going to be a blast, as we have our annual Chili Cook-Off. Bring some chili if you can, br...
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February 12, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin to dig into one of the most foundational passages for us as believers the passage where our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray.
We will spend two weeks on the Lord'sPrayer. This week, we will look at Matthew 6:9-10, as we talk about "The Lord's Prayer, Part 1."
Read over in advance, and, by all means, pray over it in advance. I can't wait to explore...
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February 5, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin chapter 6 ofMatthew, as we continue in our series, A New Way of Life: A Study of the Sermon on the Mount.
This week we will look at "Giving, Praying, and Fasting" from Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18. What does Jesus say to us here?
How should we give?
How should we pray?
How should we fast?
Why do we give?
Why do we pray?
Why do we fast?
Both th...
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January 29, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish Matthew 5. We'll talk about becoming "A People ofRadical Love" from Matthew 5:31-48.
This is a powerful and challenging section of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is forcing us to examine our hearts and think in a totally different paradigm.
I can't wait to share it with you! I'll be at an IMB Trusteemeeting and Sending Celebration when you re...
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January 22, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be looking atMatthew 5:17-30, as Jesus goes "Straight to the Heart."
We will see how God is looking for more than outward conformity to rules. He sees what is in our hearts, and desires totransform our hearts by his Spirit.
We'll look at two areas of human life that most people struggle with: Anger and lust. How can we experience freedom in these are...
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January 15, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue with our study of the Sermon on the Mount, we will look atMatthew 5:13-16, as we talk about what it means for God's people to be salt and light. In short, it means "Impacting Others For The Glory Of God."
Why does Jesus use these two images, salt and light?
Is there an Old Testament background that will help us understand what it means to sh...
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January 8, 2020
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was wonderful to begin a new series this past Sunday! A New Way Of Life: A Study of the Sermon on the Mount will take us through Matthew 5-7. If you want to understand the teaching of Jesus, it is critical to understand this part of God's Word. I'm excited about digging into it with you over the next three months.
This Sunday, we will look at "The Beatitudes, Part Two,...
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December 18, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will conclude our Adventseries, A Light In The Darkness, by lookingat John 1:14-18. We'll talk about thesignificance of the fact that "The WordBecame Flesh."
Why was the incarnation necessary? Why did God become man? You'll see this Sunday how that was necessary for your salvation.
Let me encourage you to call a friend or family member and invite them to t...
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December 10, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in our journey through the prologue of John, as we look at John 1:6-13 and talk about what it means to be "Children of God!"
Isn't John 1:1-18 incredibly rich? We'll bring out more of these treasures this Sunday.
Last Sunday our Ingathering service was sort of the "kick-off" for our season of Lottie Moon giving. As of this writing we have colle...
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December 4, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a great blessing to have Dr. PaulChitwood, our IMB President, with us this past Sunday. Paul brought a tremendous message from Isaiah 56 in which he challenged us to ask ourselves, "Why are you here?"
Part of the answer to that is to impact others. One of the biggest ways you can do that is through your giving. This Sunday will be our Ingathering for the Lottie Moon ...
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November 27, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will welcome Dr. PaulChitwood to FBC Suffolk. Paul serves asPresident of the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention.
The IMB is really what brings us together as Southern Baptists. It is the "point of the spear" in SBC life, and the largest international missions agency on the planet, by far. As IMB President, Paul has perhaps ...
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November 20, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will focus on Thanksgiving and celebrate the Lord's Supper together.
We have so much to be thankful for, beginning with the salvation we have in Christ. Therefore, what an appropriate time to come to the Lord's Table, and remember his blood shed for us, and his body broken for us.
To help us give thanks, we will study Psalm 100, which is really "A Psalm Fo...
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November 13, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our study ofMalachi as we look at Malachi 3:13-4:6. The title of the message will be "Healing In His Wings." This final portion of this prophecy helps us look forward to Christmas and the coming of Christ. You won't want to miss it.
Looking beyond this Sunday, on November 24 I'm going to be preaching a message focusing on Thanksgiving. We will b...
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November 6, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a sweet time of worship and fellowship we had this past Lord's Day! It is such ablessing to experience the sweet spirit in our worship and to see God drawing people to himself. And thank you so much for the love you showered on our pastors after worship. You are such a loving church family.
This Sunday we will talk about "Reflecting Our Generous God," from Malachi 3:...
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October 30, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be digging into Malachi 2:17-3:6 and gazing at "Our Coming King."
One of the good things about studying an Old Testament book in the Fall is that it helps us look forward to the coming of Christ, which we celebrate at Christmas.
Jesus has come, and Jesus is coming again! We'll talk about both this Sunday. See you then.
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October 23, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am so thankful for Miguel stepping in last Sunday as we finished chapter 1 of Malachi. The theme of faithfulness in worship continues in chapter 2 as we talk about "The Faithfulness Of Christ" from Malachi 2:1-16.
We will see that Jesus is the faithful High Priest we need, as well as the faithful Bridegroom or Husband of the church that we need. Again, Malachi is full o...
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October 16, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to kick off a new Fall series onMalachi this past Sunday! As you can see, Malachi like every book of the Bible is full of Jesus. May our hearts be drawn to him as he is lifted up through this series, Malachi: Love Letter To A Troubled People.
This Sunday Miguel will be bringing themessage from Malachi 1:6-14. I've asked him to bring this message, which deal...
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October 9, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Wow, what a wonderful time of worship last Sunday, which concluded with hundreds of you coming forward to place the names of your "ones" on the altar. Who's Your One? is now finished as a sermon series, but the real work has only just begun, as we've committed to be doing three things with our ones:
Praying for our ones
Sharing the gospel with our ones
Inviting our on...
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October 3, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful Sunday we just had,celebrating baptism and seeing God work in the lives of people! We rejoice in decisions made for Christ and his church!
This Sunday we'll finish our Who's Your One? series by talking about "The Commission To Reach Your One," from Matthew 28:18-20.
Jesus has given us an assignment. Our King has issued our marching orders. No one can say...
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September 25, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday in Who's Your One? we will look at John 4:1-42 and talk about "TheConversation To Reach Your One."
Jesus was the master when it came to gospel conversations with people. This Sunday, we will once again see his heart for the lost, and how we can have his heart for lost people in our lives. Read and pray over the text inadvance.
Can't wait until Sunday, as we w...
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September 18, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy it was this Sunday, to worship together and to again see one of our students publically profess faith in Christ!
God is working in our church and imagine what will happen if all of us are faithfully praying for our "ones." This Sunday we will continue with Who's Your One? as we look at Matthew 9:9-13 and talk about "TheCompassion To Reach Your One."
As you re...
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September 11, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Wow, what a wonderful Sunday we had last week at FBC! While we have not quite experienced the breezes of Fall rolling in yet, there is definitely a new breeze blowing at our church.
How tremendous to walk into the Welcome Center and see ladies packing it out, having a great time at "Fill My Cup." Then, to seepeople baptized and committing their lives to Christ in our serv...
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September 4, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week is an exciting one, as we begin a new five-part Sunday morning series called Who's Your One?
For the next five weeks, we will look at five biblical texts that will help us personalize the GreatCommission. (See texts below)
This Sunday, we will look at "The Call To Reach Your One" from Matthew 4:18-22.
Also on Sunday, you'll receive a 30-day prayer guide, as we...
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September 4, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish our study of 1 Peter by digging into chapter 5. This may be my favorite passage in the whole book. We'll talk about "Hope and Humility," as we cover 1 Peter 5:1-14. Inparticular, we'll look at how humility helps us give things to God, so that we have less anxiety.
I'm super excited about our next series, which is Who's Your One? We are going to ...
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August 27, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at 1 Peter 4:12-19, as we talk about "Hope and Suffering."
Until Jesus returns, suffering is going to be a reality for us. The question is not if we will suffer, but when. It comes in many shapes and sizes, but it comes.
But here is good news: It will not last! If we know Jesus, we are going to have forever with him. These trials are only for a m...
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August 14, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in 1 Peter 4:7-11, as we talk about "Hope and the Church."
Read over this text in preparation for Sunday it is a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ. What kind of church do we want to be?
Let's talk about it this Sunday. As we prepare for the 2019-2020 church year, I am super excited about what God is doing, and about what he is going to do, i...
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August 7, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we begin chapter 4 of 1 Peter, we will look at 1 Peter 4:1-6 and talk about "Hope and Time."
The Bible tells us to be "making the most of the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). As we have seen in the past week with multiple mass shootings in our nation, there is indeed much evil at work in this fallen world. That's why God tells us as his p...
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July 11, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Dear FBC Family,
Pray for me over the next couple of weeks, as I will be representing you and our International Mission Board overseas. This is a unique opportunity to love on hundreds of our missionaries at once, as well as visit several different teams on site, where they live and serve.
I know this is your heart as a church. I don't know any church that loves our miss...
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July 3, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as we continue in Living Hope: A Study Of 1 Peter, we will look at 1 Peter 3:8-12 and talk about "Hope And The Good Life."
Our culture thinks of "the good life" in terms of materialism and self-indulgence. But 1 Peter 3:8-12 offers an invitation to the truly good life, a life of genuine joy and fulfillment. Let's dig into it together on Sunday.
What a joy this ...
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June 19, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we are going to finish chapter 2 of 1 Peter by looking at 1 Peter 2:11-25 as we talk about "Hope Grounded In The Gospel."
We're going to see how the gospel is not just something that impacts the beginning of our life in Christ, but that it grounds the way we battle sin, the way we relate to others, and the way we suffer.
Join us on Sunday for Living Hope!...
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May 29, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue our Living Hope series, a study of 1 Peter. We will be digging into 1 Peter 2:1-10, as we talk about "Hope And Healthy Growth."
Sunday will also be Graduate Sunday, as we celebrate the accomplishment of our grads and pray for them as they take the next step in the journey God has for them.
Also on Sunday, you will get to meet a couple that i...
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May 22, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue walking through 1 Peter together as we look at 1 Peter 1:17-25 and talk about "Hope and Love."
As you read and pray over the text in advance of the Lord's Day, ponder the following:
What does it mean for a Christian to live in a reverent fear of God? (1 Peter 1:17)
How do we see the love of Jesus for us in this text? (1 Peter 1:18-21)
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May 15, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as we continue in our study of 1 Peter, we'll dig into 1 Peter 1:10-16, which is all about "Hope and Holiness."
Read over the text in advance and consider
What is holiness?
How does hope relate to holiness?
How does Peter encourage hurtingbelievers in this text?
Is Christianity a new religion, or a fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament?
How are...
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May 8, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a blessing to begin our journey through 1 Peter this past Sunday! I have been eagerly looking forward to this series, Living Hope: A Study of 1 Peter.
This week, we will continue to walk through chapter one as we study 1 Peter 1:6-9 and talk about "Hope in the Midst of Trials."
Are you going through a trial right now? If you are not, you soon will be. That is the na...
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May 1, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was helpful to take a few days off, after a busy Easter season. As always, I am so thankful for Wilson and David filling the pulpit for me. We are blessed with a wonderful team at FBC!
This week we begin a new Sunday morning series on 1 Peter, which we are calling, Living Hope.
Toward the end of our study of Luke, we saw that Peter "blew it," denying three times that ...
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April 17, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Ok, the time is almost here Resurrection Day!! Our entire faith, everything we have staked our lives on, rises or falls with whether Jesus really rose from the dead.
This Easter Sunday we will finish our study of Luke by looking at Luke 24, as we talk about "An Open Door."
I hope to see you there, along with friends and family members who don't have a church home. If yo...
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April 10, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday Palm Sunday we will look at Luke 23 and talk about the "Crucifixion and Burial" of Jesus.
As we prepare to take the Lord's Supper together, we'll dive deep into the meaning of the cross.
I encourage you to prayerfully read through Luke 23 in preparation for the Lord's Day. Let's pray that we'll all emerge from Sunday with a deeper love for Jesus, and a deep...
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April 3, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday as we continue to walk through the events of Passion Week in Luke's Gospel, we'll look at Luke 22 and talk about "The Night of Nights."
We'll look at the agony of our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal and arrest, and how all of this fits with the context of Passover.
We'll also take a look at the character of Peter, and what we can learn from his...
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March 27, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll continue in Luke. From now through Easter, we will be looking at Luke's account of Passion Week. We'll begin this Sunday in Luke 19:28-44 by looking at our Lord's "Triumphal Entry" into Jerusalem.
Read the text closely. What do you see? Pray over it. What is God saying to you?
I'll see you on Sunday....
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March 20, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday as we continue in our series, Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, we will look at Luke 19:1-10, as we talk about "Encountering His Rescue."
As Jesus passes through the city of Jericho, he is about to take the steep, uphill road to Jerusalem, where he will suffer and die and rise again for our rescue.
As you read and pray over this text in preparation fo...
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March 13, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at another very familiar part of Scripture the three parables of Luke 15. They tell us about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son.
We will mine some new treasures from these classic stories of Jesus. As you read them, ask yourself:
What is the occasion of these parables?Hint: Look at Luke 15:1-2.
What do all three of the parables have in c...
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March 6, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a great week we just had in our Summit meeting with Life Action! I've been a pastor for almost 27 years, and this past week is one of the highlights.
I am so thankful for the Spirit's work in our church. How wonderful to hear heartfelt testimonies this past Sunday morning and evening!
Pray for God to continue to work in you and in our church family, building on what...
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February 20, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Summit Revival Conference Begins This Sunday!
As you receive this newsletter, we will be just a few days away from an event we've been praying for the Summit Revival Conference.
The most important thing you can do at this point is to pray for God to move in power on our church family, and on each of us.
Pray for the team from Life Action Ministries that will be with ...
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February 13, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue our series, Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, we'll be in Luke 8:40-56, as we talk about "Encountering His Tenderness."
This is a particularly touching and beautiful encounter of Jesus with two "daughters." One is the daughter of Jairus, the other is a woman he calls "daughter." He raises one daughter from the dead, and heals the other ...
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January 30, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in Luke 7:1-17, as we continue in our series, Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. The message will be on "Encountering His Power."
Read and pray over this text in advance. How do you see the power of Jesus working in these two encounters?
Speaking of God's power, please be praying for our Summit Revival meeting, coming February 24-March 3. Pr...
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January 23, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in our series, Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. We'll look at "Encountering His Purpose," from Luke 5:11-32.
As you read and pray over this text in advance of Sunday worship, what do you see?
Think of the ultimate purpose of Jesusit is to restore all things. How are his miracles signs of the fact that, eventually, he is coming again to...
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January 17, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
New sermon series and update on Lottie Moon
It was wonderful to kick off a New Year with a new sermon series this past Sunday. Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Luke will run until Easter Sunday, as we take a deep look at who Jesus is and what that means for our lives and our church.
This Sunday we will study Luke 4:31-44 as we talk about "Encountering His Authority." ...
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January 16, 2019
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday; New Wednesday Night Studies
What do we mean when we speak of the "call" of God? Sometimes this is simply applied to those who are "called" to be missionaries or pastors. But when the Bible speaks of calling, the term is not confined to such individuals.
All believers are called to belong to Jesus. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, "But we preach Christ ...
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December 12, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an absolutely wonderful day of worship we experienced this past Sunday! Wasn't it a sweet joy to see those three students follow the Lord's command in believer's baptism? Together with the four people who presented themselves for membership, that is seven new people added to our church on a single Sunday. And then to see hundreds of people streaming forward to lay the...
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December 6, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is one of the most special days on the calendar for our church family the LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING INGATHERING.
Every penny of this offering goes to the international fields, to send and sustain missionaries who are seeking to reach the unreached with the Good News of Jesus. It is the biggest special offering we have throughout the year at FBC. Why? Bec...
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November 28, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As many of you know, I write a weekly column for the Suffolk News-Herald, which appears on Fridays. This is the column I wrote last week, and I wanted to share it with my church family as we give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
In 1841, Charles Dickens was on a book tour in America. One morning as he scanned an American newspaper, he saw a notice from the owner of ...
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November 26, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is a special treat, as we welcome Edgar Aponte to the FBC pulpit. Edgar serves as Vice-President for Mobilization at the International Mission Board. He will be with his wife, Sara, and their children. I know you'll give them the warm welcome FBC is known for.
IMB's Vice-President for Mobilization serves in an incredibly strategic role. Edgar's role is helping...
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November 14, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an amazing journey it has been to walk through Romans with you all in 2018! This Sunday we will finish our study by looking at Romans 16, where we will explore what "Christian Friendship" is all about.
As you read over the chapter, which contains the names of at least thirty people, consider the following:
What kinds of diversity do you see?
What expressions of l...
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November 7, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in Romans 15, as we talk about "Gospel Priorities" from Romans 15:22-33.
As I mentioned from the pulpit last week, we are very blessed to have Luke Willette leading our congregational singing. God has gifted Luke with extraordinary musical talents, along with a humble, gentle, and loving heart. I also mentioned that Miguel Yustiz will be working...
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October 31, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful blessing this past Sunday to experience your love on Pastor Appreciation day. For the entire month of October, many of you have reached out to our pastors to express your heartfelt thanks, and we want you to know that we deeply appreciate you.
This Sunday, as we finish Romans 15, we will take look at "Ministry For Gospel Advance." Our text will be Romans ...
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October 24, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue working our way through Romans 15, we will see something incredibly beautiful: "How God Is Creating A New Family." Our text will be Romans 15:8-13.
Last week, we saw that, throughout chapter 14, Paul was seeking unity among the Jewish and Gentile believers in the church at Rome.
This week, we will see that God's plan, all along, has been to cr...
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October 17, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in Romans 14, where the Apostle Paul speaks about "Unity in the Church."
Romans 14:1 through 15:13 is all about unity in the body of Christ. In 12:16, Paul tells the church, "Live in harmony with one another." Now, beginning in chapter 14, he gives them instruction on how that harmony can be brought about.
Scholars believe that one of Paul's primar...
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October 10, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will cover Romans 13 and talk about "The Law of the State and the Law of Love."
In verses 1-7 we see how Christians are to relate to governing authorities. In the remainder of the chapter we see how we are to relate to people on a personal level.
I'm looking forward to being back in the pulpit, as we put a finishing touch on Romans in October and November...
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September 26, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue working our way through Romans 12, as the Bible gives a series of commands about Christian living. Specifically, Romans 12:9-21 is about "Genuine Love."
What does genuine love for righteousness look like?
What does genuine love for the church look like?
What does genuine love for the lost look like?
This great passage answers all three ...
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September 19, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Thank you so much for your prayers on my behalf as I preached in Revival this past Sunday at Hillcrest Baptist Church. It was great to be an encouragement to one of our neighboring churches we are all about the Kingdom at First Suffolk, not just building up ourselves! That is reflected in the fact that our church has started several other churches in our community.
I am ...
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September 11, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Two favorite passages in the gospels deal with storms. In one, a fierce storm arises on the Sea of Galilee, and while his disciples "freak out," Jesus is asleep in the boat. They wake him, crying out, "Master, we are perishing!" Jesus simply speaks to the wind and waves, commanding them, "Peace. Be still." And, in an instant, the surface of the water becomes like a sheet o...
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September 5, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin a new section of Romans. Chapters 12-16 are about living out the rich theology we have seen in chapters 1-11. If chapters 1-11 are about what Jesus has "done," chapters 12-16 are about what we are to "do" in light of what he has done.
This week we will open this new section by studying Romans 12:1-2 and asking, "What Is Christian Commitment?"
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August 29, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This past Sunday we dove into Romans 10:9-15 and talked about our mission, both locally and globally. It is deeply encouraging to pastor a church with a heart for our community and the world. And that is our mission: "To glorify Christby making disciples who make disciplesin our community and around the world."
As we talked about on Sunday, the ability of our church to re...
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August 22, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joy to havea beloved brotherwith us this past Sunday! Sunday morning, we were traveling home from Florida, where we got Courtney settled into Palm Beach Atlantic University for her freshman year, but were able to make it back for his report on Sunday night, which was amazing.
Sunday night,he asked us to pray for several things:
The discipleship of new believers
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August 15, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday was obviously a bittersweet one for our church, as we said "good-bye" to the Turners. We are grateful for their 17 years of faithful ministry to FBC, and excited for the church planting opportunity that lies before them! Keep Michael, Mary Jane, and Redemption Heights Church in your prayers.
This Sunday we will welcome a beloved brother to both our AM and PM s...
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August 8, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in our study of Romans, digging into Romans 10:5-10 one of the clearest passages in Scripture about how we enter into the salvation God has provided in Jesus. We'll talk about "Such A Great Salvation!"
After worship, you are invited to come over to the Family Life Center for a lunch in honor of Michael and Mary Jane Turner, on their last Sunday...
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August 1, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be back in our study of Romans as we look at Romans 9:27-10:4. I'm calling this message, "Irony, Tragedy, and Opportunity." Read it over and come prayed up.
What a wonderful blessing to hear Wilson preach the Word this past Sunday! As he shared from Psalm 16, God can indeed give us confidence in the midst of chaos. I am so thankful that God brought Wil...
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July 11, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful week we are having at FBC as I write these words! It is just a sweet scene to see so many kids on our campus, learning about Jesus in VBS. I am so thankful for Jeanette Hampton and our children's ministry, and thankful for all our VBS volunteers, who have such a heart to serve the King.
Be in prayer for the Holy Spirit to take the seeds of the gospel that...
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July 3, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a fantastic day on Sunday, as we worshipped together and welcomed Wilson and Brittany Caldwell to our church family!
God has been so gracious to bless us with this wonderful couple. They will make a great impact here, with our students, our church, and our community. Pray for them as they transition.
It was also such a blessing to welcome Joseph, from the West Afric...
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June 27, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week in Romans 8 we will talk about "Facing Life With Confidence," from Romans 8:26-30.
As you read over the text for this Sunday, ponder the following:
Verse 26 says the Spirit "helps us in our weakness." What other passages talk about the Holy Spirit's role in comforting and helping us?
Have you experienced times in life that were so heavy you didn't know...
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June 20, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was a great joy to share this past Sunday about Wilson and Brittany Caldwell. I can't wait for you to meet this precious couple this Sunday. We are delighted to introduce them to you. Wilson is our candidate for Associate Pastor of Student Ministry.
Wilson grew up near Farmville, VA, the son of a Southern Baptist pastor. He attended Liberty University, where he majored...
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June 13, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
By the time you receive this, we will be back from the Southern Baptist Convention, in Dallas. I look forward to sharing a report with you soon about our denominational meeting, but I am even more looking forward to being back in Romans with you this Sunday.
This works out perfectly: It will be Father's Day, and we will be looking at Romans 8:12-17, which is all about the...
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June 6, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will begin to walk through what is often called "The Great Eight." The eighth chapter of Romans is an incredible chapter. It begins in verse 1 with "no condemnation" and ends in verse 39 with "no separation." In between are some of the most powerful words ever written.
This week we will begin this journey through Romans 8 by digging into verse 1: "There is ...
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June 6, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This past Sunday was a bittersweet day in the life of our faith family, as we said "good-bye" to the Andersons. But what a sweet, sweet spirit there is in our church family and a missional spirit! We understand that we are sending this family out to do ministry, and that the Kingdom is much bigger than our church. Furthermore, God is faithful to provide. Be in prayer for ...
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May 30, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was wonderful this past Sunday to be back in the pulpit, after a life-changing mission trip to Thailand! Thank you guys so much for your prayers and support. Courtney and I could feel them every step of the way, as God opened door after door for ministry.
In a way, FBC had already been used by God to open those doors, because ladies from our church had made stockings t...
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May 23, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
By the time you read this I will be arriving back in the United States from a mission trip to Bangkok. Thank you for your prayers!
I'm looking forward to seeing you this Sunday, as we continue to journey through the 8th chapter of Romans. This Sunday, we will begin talking about "Life In The Spirit." Read over Romans 8:1-13 in preparation.
I'll also be reporting a bit ab...
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May 16, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a blessing this past Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day and preach from Romans 8:1!
By the time you read this, I will be in Thailand with Courtney, one of our precious daughters. Together, we will be working with two of FBC's own "sent out" workers. For a long time, I have been eager to see and take part intheir ministry in Bangkok. We have sent several teams from FBC ...
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May 2, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an awesome blessing it is to walk through Romans with you, and the best is yet to come! Soon we will be in "The Great Eight," the incredible 8th chapter of Romans.
But before then, we will enter the deep waters of Romans 7. These 25 verses are among the most talked about and written about by biblical scholars. There are some interpretive challenges, for sure.
For in...
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April 25, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we finish Romans 6, we will continue to talk about how the gospel sets us free.
As you read over Romans 6:15-23, what stands out to you? Read it in context with verses 1-14. What do you think Paul most wanted to get across to the Roman Christians?
Consider the following:
Why is grace not a license to sin?
Why does the gospel not promote sinning,...
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April 18, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will look at Romans 6:5-14 and talk about "Living Out Our Freedom In Christ."
Last week in verses 1-4 we talked about the fact that we have been freed from sin's tyranny. This week we'll talk about the practical implications of that.
As Christians, we live in the already/not yet. What do I mean by that? Well, our salvation has already been accomplished, bu...
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April 11, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll begin Romans 6, which is among the most important chapters in the New Testament on the subject of sanctification. How can we become in practice what we already are in position? How do we live out the freedom from the power of sin that Jesus has won for us?
So this Sunday we'll talk about "Freedom From Sin's Tyranny" from Romans 6:1-4.
This text also hel...
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April 4, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an absolute joy to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus with you last Sunday! It was so encouraging to see so many guests there. Keep on bringing your friends we celebrate the resurrection and preach the good news of the gospel every Sunday.
Seriously, did you ever think about the fact that every Sunday is a beautiful opportunity for you to bring lost friend...
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March 28, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It is going to be a HUGE day at FBC this Sunday. There's nothing like Resurrection Day! I hope you're making plans to not only be there, but to be there with friends you've invited. Easter is an ideal time to pick up the phone or text a friend or family member and say, "Hey, this Sunday is Easter. It's a really special time for me and our church, and I would love for you t...
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March 21, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a fantastic weekend it was, with Operation Suffolk! I am so thankful to God for the fruit we are seeing in our students, and so thankful to Pastor Michael Anderson for allowing the Lord to use his leadership in their lives. Thank you to not only Michael, but to all our volunteers who gave of themselves to serve this past weekend. It was wonderful.
This weekend we loo...
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March 14, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will finish chapter three of Romans and blaze through all of chapter four. We'll talk about "Growing in Faith." Our text will be Romans 3:29-4:25.
As you read over it, consider the following:
What Old Testament examples does Paul give as people who were justified by faith?
Throughout Romans Paul is concerned to unify Jewish Christians and Gent...
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March 7, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, in Romans 3:21-31, we will plunge into the heart of the gospel. Last week, in 3:1-20, we saw "Our Great Need For Christ." This week we will see "The Great Christ We Need."
In fact, the paragraph we will study on Sunday has been called the most important paragraph ever written, because it unpacks the riches of God's saving action in Christ, and how we can receiv...
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February 28, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as you prepare for our study of Romans 3:1-20 on Sunday, please reflect on "Our Great Need For Christ."
In Romans 1:18-32, we saw the guilt of the Gentile world.
In Romans 2, we saw the guilt of the Jewish world.
In Romans 3:1-20, we see the guilt of the whole world. Jews and Gentiles alikeall human beingsare accountable and guilty before a...
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February 22, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am so grateful forour guestfilling in for me last week, and for the opportunity he had to fill you in on his upcoming trip, so that you can be praying. What an amazing opportunity we have to partner with this dear brother!
We were able to make a college visit with Courtney, and spend a few days together as a family. But it is good to be home, and this week we will conti...
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February 14, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful Sunday we just experienced! In the morning, it was great to plunge into Romans 2, and then have a fantastic luncheon with lots of prospective members at Discovering FBC. In the evening, we had an absolutely fantastic Chili Cook Off there were so many people in the Family Life Center we had to set up chairs! It was a super day of worship and fellowship tog...
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February 7, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in our study of Romans by digging into Romans 2:1-11.
Last week, in Romans 1:18-32, Paul was speaking about the Gentile pagan world, and its descent into idolatry and depravity.
In chapter 2 he turns his attention to religious people who criticize those who behave in these ways, yet do the very same things. Therefore, church-going, Bible-believ...
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January 31, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday, as we continue to walk through Romans, we will finish chapter one by looking at Romans 1:18-32, which is all about "Why We Need The Gospel."
As you read over these verses, think about the following:
In verse 18, Paul says the "wrath" of God "is" being revealed. What mistake can we make when we think about the wrath of God? Also, we know there is a future...
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January 24, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
We are off and running in our Romans study, and I couldn't be more excited about it!
This Sunday we will look at Romans 1:16-17 and talk about "The Power of the Gospel."
As you read over the text, consider:
Do you think Paul had ever been tempted to be ashamed of the gospel? Why?
Considering the fact that we do not suffer anything like the level of persecution ...
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January 17, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue to explore Paul's introduction to the church at Rome by looking at Romans 1:5-15.
We'll talk about "Defining Our Mission."
As you read over these verses in advance, here are some things to ponder:
In verse 5, what does Paul mean by the "obedience of faith?"
Also in verse 5, what is the ultimate motivation for missions?
What d...
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January 10, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Happy New Year to all of you! This time of year brings a mixture of feelings.
On one hand, it's a little sad to take down the tree and decorations. Those things are associated with the happiness of the holidays. We've had great times, some rest from work, and now it is "back to real life." Oh, and by the way, it's freezing outside.
On the other hand, the beginning of a N...
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January 10, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
The highly unusual winter storm and extreme temperatures forced us to cancel services last Sunday, but it hasn't blown us off course at FBC. We'll start Romans: People Made New this Sunday, and I'm incredibly excited about it. Be reading over Romans 1:1-7 in advance.
One of the great joys of pastoring FBC is the engagement our church enjoys with gospel workers from around...
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January 10, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday morning is an incredibly important event in the life of our church, as we have the opportunity to change lives through our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Our goal as a church is $62,000, every penny of which goes to reach the last, the least, and the lost for Christ. I hope you’ll use your prayer guide this week to lift up our missionaries and the people...
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January 10, 2018
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we'll continue with our Christmas series, The Joy of Christmas, which is based on a trilogy of Psalms, as we study Psalm 97 "The Lord Reigns!"
As you read and pray over Psalm 97, consider the following:
What does verse 1 tell us about God's missionary heart?
What do verses 2-5 tell us about His majestic holiness?
What do verses 6-9 tell us about idolatry...
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November 29, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
As we move into December, its time to focus on our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Our goal as a church family is $62,000.
Every penny of this offering will go to the International Mission Board to help reach the unreached with the good news of Jesus. In a lost world that is hurting so badly, no gift you will give this Christmas will be more imp...
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November 15, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will dig into Philippians 4:4-9, a text that will help us in preparing our hearts for Thanksgiving.
This is one of my favorite texts in the New Testament. I would encourage you to memorize it and meditate on it often. It tells us about "A Life That Soars."
As you read over it
What does verse 4 tell us about joy?
What does verse 5 tell us about gentlene...
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November 8, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful blessing our Thirst Conference was this week! The timing was just right, and our church family was ready to take a new step in our walk together with Christ. Remember to pray for Rich and Grace, Shane and Leigh, and the fantastic young people who ministered among us during some very special days.
Now it is time to build on what God did in our lives. This ...
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November 1, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Sunday is going to be an amazing day, as our Thirst Conference begins! Here are some things you can be doing to get ready:
Pray This is the first and most important thing. Revival doesn't happen because we schedule a conference. It happens when God's Spirit is poured out. Would you pray fervently over the next few days for God to move inpower?
Attend Yes, we ar...
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October 25, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was a wonderful blessing to take six weeks and explore the book of Proverbs with you! This is a book we are meant to continually go back to throughout the course of our lives. Personally, my One Year Bible plan contains a couple of Proverbs each day, and I feel like I'm better off for reading this book daily.
A number of you have expressed a desire to go back and liste...
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October 18, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will finish our study, The Way of Wisdom, by seeing what Proverbs has to say about "Friends and Fools."
The "fool," like the "sluggard," is a character in Proverbs that we don't want to be nor do we want to surround ourselves with fools. Instead, we need quality friends.
That's what we'll talk about this Sunday. We'll talk about fools to avoid and friends t...
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October 11, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week as we continue in The Way of Wisdom: A Study of Proverbs, we are going to see what Proverbs says about "Sluggards and Stewards."
The "sluggard" is a character that we meet in Proverbs. This is the lazy person, and laziness is a major theme of Proverbs. As you prepare for Sunday, you might want to look up "sluggard" in your Bible concordance. Read over the many v...
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October 4, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in week 4 of our Proverbs series, The Way of Wisdom. We are going to take a look at God's wisdom on "Tongue and Temper."
Proverbs is absolutely filled from beginning to end with wise words on the subject of words! How can we learn self-control regarding the words that we speak, so that we are speaking words that honor God? How can we learn to contro...
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September 27, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a joyous Sunday we just experienced, as we worshipped together! It is such a blessing to be a part of the gathered community of God's people, and pray together, sing together, build friendships, study God's Word, and celebrate baptism. How exhilarating to see four people baptized this past Sunday! Be praying for them.
This Sunday we will continue in The Way of Wisdom...
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September 20, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will continue in our new series on Proverbs, which we're calling The Way of Wisdom. We'll dig into one of the most famous passages in Proverbs, and in the whole Bible, as we explore Proverbs 3:1-8, "The Wisdom That Blesses."
As you read over the text in advance, consider the following:
Note in verse 1 how God addresses us. He is speaking to "my son" or "...
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September 13, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will launch into a new journey in God's Word as we begin a six week series in the book of Proverbs.
We are calling it, "The Way of Wisdom: A Study of Proverbs." I am super excited about leading us through some of the primary themes of this incredibly valuable book.
This Sunday I will introduce things by talking about the title, the goals, and the theme of ...
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September 6, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will finish the study of Acts that we began several months ago. We have seen the birth of the church, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. We have seen Paul transformed from a persecutor of the church to a planter of churches. We have seen the unstoppable progress of the gospel. We have seen the journeys of the Apostle Paul, and we have been on quite a jour...
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August 30, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be in Acts 27, which is one of the most famous accounts of a storm and shipwreck that is found in ancient literature. It is vivid and contains edge-of-your-seat suspense. But far more importantly, it contains the encouraging truth about "Anchors in the Storm."
Read through the chapter prior to Sunday. You'll find it fascinating, especially if you have ...
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August 23, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will begin in Acts 25:23, as King Agrippa and Bernice enter an ornate hall at Caesarea "with great pomp." Also present is the royal court, and other prominent officials. And then a prisoner, the Apostle Paul, is brought before them.
What does he say? Does he plead for his life? No, he pleads for souls. Paul takes this opportunity to share his testimony and sh...
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August 16, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue in our study of Acts by looking at Acts 25:1-22. It's about "God's Protection, Promises, and Providence."
As you read over these verses, where do you see these 3 things in the text?
In verses 1-5, we see God protecting Paul from assassination. His plan was for Paul to end up in Rome, the capital of the Empire, with the gospel. What does thi...
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August 8, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Acts 24:1-27. As you prepare your heart for the Lord's Day, think about the following as you read over the text:
Why does Paul continually bring up the resurrection? (See 1 Corinthians 15)
Felix has the opportunity of a lifetime. How does he blow it? (verse 25)
What does Paul speak about when he is given the opportunity? (verse 25)
Life is...
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August 2, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It's great to be back in the swing of things, and we are looking forward to an awesome August at FBC. It was good to be back in the pulpit Sunday, and I am grateful to Lindsay for filling in on June 23rd. We are so blessed with the preachers and teachers in our church!
This Sunday we will study one of the most emotional and revealing passages in Acts, as Paul says his g...
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July 27, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I am so thankful for Lindsay stepping in for me last week, and am looking forward to being back with you this Sunday, as we look at:
Acts 19:11-41
"Smashing Idols"
Chapter 19 of Acts details Paul's ministry in the key city of Ephesus, and the radical impact of the gospel on the people of that city.
As you read over these verses, ponder the following:
How should we t...
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July 12, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue our study of Acts by looking at Acts 18:1-11, "Strategy for Missions."
As you read over these verses, which detail Paul's ministry in the city of Corinth, what principles do you see?
Consider the following:
Why did Paul focus on cities?
Why did he work in teams?
Were women key to the missions efforts of the early church?
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July 5, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will be in Acts 17, a chapter in which Paul ministers in three different cities: Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. There is tons of excitement in each situation. Never a dull moment in Acts!
As you read over Acts 17, notice the differences in the people of the three cities, and how Paul deals with them in different ways. The gospel never changes, but our appro...
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July 3, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was awesome to celebrate baptism and David's 5th anniversary last Sunday, and to commission our Haiti team to be sent out! Wonderful day.
This Sunday we will be in Acts 16, which for many reasons is one of the most exciting and encouraging chapters in Acts.
It is where we see God's Macedonian Call to Paul, which resulted in the gospel moving into Europe for th...
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June 21, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Thank you so much for praying for me as I attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Phoenix last week. It was a busy week, as I also had IMB Trustee meetings in Phoenix as well. The Trustee meeting was great. I can't adequately express to you what a joy it is to meet with and send out people who are going to the ends of the earth with the gospel!
The SBC meeting itsel...
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June 14, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will be in Acts 10, talking about "How God Breaks Down Barriers."
This is a crucial chapter for understanding Acts, and how the gospel broke through to the Gentile world. This was always the plan of God. As He promised to Abraham in Genesis 12, "Through you all the families of the earth will be blessed." In other words, the messiah would come through Israel, ...
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June 7, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue in Empowered: A Study of Acts, by digging into one of the most amazing chapters in the Bible Acts 9.
The world changed the day Saul became Paul. How did a violent persecutor of the church become a passionate follower of Jesus? How does that kind of transformation take place? We'll talk about it this Sunday.
Saul was on his way to Damascu...
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May 31, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This past Sunday, it was appropriate to pray for our military and their families as we remembered those who have given their lives for our nation. It is a blessing to pastor military families, and a blessing to pastor a church that cares so much for those families. May God bless those who serve, and their loved ones!
This week, as we continue our study of Acts, we will lo...
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May 24, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we are continuing our study of Acts by skipping to chapter 5, and looking at verses 17-42. As the early church progressed in Jerusalem, the Sadducees (who were really political power brokers) became furious with jealousy. Their response is to throw some of the leading followers of Jesus in prison.
How do we deal with opposition? It will surely come if we remai...
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May 18, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week, as we continue to walk through the Book of Acts, we will be in Acts 2:22-47. We'll take a look at "The Teaching and Life of the Early Church."
Sometimes in life it is not healthy to look back. There are failures and sins in all of our pasts, and it doesn't help to dwell on those things. They are, after all, under the blood of Jesus completely forgiven. We need...
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May 10, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Before moving to what is happening this Sunday, I can't help but comment on the amazing job our children's choirs did last Sunday night in their presentation of "A Not So Terrible Parable." They were tremendous, the message they were communicating was loaded with gospel truth, and our children's choir workers had obviously done a fantastic job in preparing them!
It was a ...
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May 3, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Thank you all so much for praying for me during my recent IMB Trustee trip. Believe me, I felt your prayers and experienced God answering them. Without question, this was the most impactful mission trip of my life, in two ways:
First, I was able to see needs that, by God's grace, I can help the IMB meet for the glory of Christ. This is why the IMB sends Trustees overseas ...
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April 12, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday is the highest point of our Christian faith: Easter Sunday...Resurrection Day!
Without the resurrection, we have no Christian faith. Paul says, "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vainAnd if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins" (1Corinthians 15:14,17).
But Christ ha...
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April 5, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
For the next two weeks, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we will be in the final two chapters in Mark, delving into the very heart of our Christian faith.
This week we'll look at the meaning of the cross. On Easter we'll look at the meaning of the resurrection.
As you read and pray over Mark 15:1-39, consider the following:
How do you see prophecy, particularly Isaiah 5...
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March 29, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an awesome blessing this past weekend was, as our students participated in Operation Suffolk! This past weekend, these students studied God's Word in small groups, got together for worship as a large group, and went out into our community doing ministry. In fact, they passed out around a thousand invitations to our Easter service! As a pastor and a dad, I am so thankf...
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March 22, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
From now on in our study of Mark, we will be with Jesus and the disciples during the hours leading up to his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection.
This week, as we look at Mark 14:1-31, we will examine one of the key events of Passion Week: "The Last Supper."
How did the Last Supper become the Lord's Supper? What is the connection between Passover and the Last Supper?
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March 15, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Mark 13, which is all about "Staying Spiritually Alert." It is an amazing prophetic passage, in which Jesus preaches about the coming destruction of the Temple in 70AD, and His own coming in the future. Mark 13 is a fascinating text!
But more than telling us what is going to happen, Jesus is focused on helping us be prepared for what is going to ...
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March 8, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
The great theologian, Augustine, once said, "Love, and do what you will." In other words, when we love God and love our neighbor, we are going to do the right things.
No doubt, Augustine got that from the Great Commandment, which we will explore this Sunday. A scribe asks Jesus, "Which is the greatest commandment of all?" Jesus replies, "Love the Lord your God with all yo...
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March 1, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Let me begin this week by saying a heartfelt "thank-you" to you, our sweet congregation. Melissa and I, and our children, were overwhelmed by your many expressions of love for us this past Sunday. It is such an honor to serve as your pastor, and it has been a wonderful five years. I am thankful for what God has done, and even more excited about what He is going to do!
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February 22, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
We missed you all last week, but I am so thankful for Steve Harmon and the great word he brought from God's Word on overcoming fear with faith. It is an incredible blessing to pastor a church with so many gifted teachers.
This past week has been one of "sharpening the sword" for me. I was able to attend a Pastor's Conference, and to observe another church this past Sunday...
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February 15, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Sunday was a fantastic day in the life of our church! We can feel the life of God's Spirit moving and working in our congregation, and it is wonderful.
It was great to take a Sunday and walk with you through the "3 Circles" way of presenting the good news of Jesus. This built on the training we received during Sunday School a few weeks ago. It's incredibly helpful to thin...
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February 8, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we are going to be talking about "Understanding And Sharing The Good News."
Almost every Christian knows that they have a responsibility to share the gospel with others. Yet many of us struggle with that assignment, for various reasons.
One of those reasons is that we lack confidence. We are afraid that if we try to share we'll get tongue-tied or won't have t...
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February 1, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Sunday was an exciting day, as we focused in both Sunday School and Worship on personal evangelism. Witnessing is something all of us are called to do. You don't have to be an extrovert or great speaker to speak to your friends about Jesus.
Basically you just need love. The best witnessing flows out of an attempt to simply love people. Part of loving people is sharing the...
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January 25, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I pray that your 2017 is off to a great start! As we've been talking about on Sunday mornings, this is a natural time of year to reset priorities. So far in our "Reset" series, we talked about
"Cherishing The Lord's Day" Hebrews 10:19-25
"Stewarding The Lord's Gospel" 2 Cor. 9:1-15
Meeting together for worship and stewarding the time, talents, and treasure God has gi...
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January 18, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to be back in worship this past week, after the winter storm. We celebrated baptism, and talked about the importance of "Cherishing the Lord's Day," studying Hebrews 10:19-25.
Verses 24-25 of that great text give this command: "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but ...
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January 11, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
By now, hopefully, you have come out of "hibernation" from the first winter storm of 2017! We are blessed to have nice and warm places to stay in such times, but everyone is not so fortunate. As it turns out, FBC's week to do the CAPS overnight stay coincided with the snow and severe temperatures. I am so grateful for the volunteers who came in to serve our guests all week...
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January 4, 2017
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Happy New Year! I hope your 2017 has gotten off to a great start, and that the best is yet to come. That is always the case with Jesus.
For FBC, this New Year brings great excitement. It is hard to believe, but only five years ago our family was praying hard about coming to serve here. God made it clear He was in it, and He led the way! It has been a wonderful season in o...
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December 14, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a memorable day last Sunday was in the life of our church! Ingathering Sunday for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is always a highlight, but yesterday it was especially the case as hundreds of you streamed forward at the end of the service to place your offering in the boxes. As that was happening, I kept thinking of all the people who are going to be helped around...
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December 7, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Last Sunday it was a wonderful blessing to welcome D. Ray Davis from the International Mission Board. D. Ray did a great job of helping us to turn our attention from "our own little patch of dirt" to the global purposes of God.
This week is the Week of Prayer for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. I hope you have been using your prayer guide, which we passed out on Sunda...
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November 30, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
For the next couple of weeks, we will be focused on our most significant missions moment of the year, our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Our goal as a church family is $62,000 every penny of which will go to the International Mission Board to send and sustain missionaries on the field.
Last Sunday, we passed out brochures called "Your Gifts At Work," which detailed some...
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November 30, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As Christians, we have so much to be thankful for, starting with the fact that we have a Savior.
This week, we will continue to focus on Thanksgiving themes as we study Colossians 3:12-17, and talk about "Expressions of Love."
This text is one of the most beautiful in the New Testament. It is great to meditate on it and commit it ...
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November 15, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
For the next couple of weeks we will focus on themes related to Thanksgiving. Having a grateful, thankful heart is a key that unlocks a joyful life in Christ, and we don't talk about it enough. We will lazer in on "thanksgiving" for the next two weeks. This week, we will study 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which tells us about "The Will Of God For You." This is a wonderful pass...
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November 3, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will look at the second half of Mark 10, digging into Mark 10:28-52.
Once again, this text is about discipleship, or "Following Jesus On The Way." As you read over it, think about the following:
In verses 28-31, Jesus talks about the blessings and costs that come with discipleship. What are some of the blessings we experience by following Jesus? What is a ...
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October 26, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Weekly Posting
As we prepare to get back to the Gospel of Mark this Sunday, let's first reflect on Nehemiah and our By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations emphasis. I greatly enjoyed this series on Nehemiah, and I am very, very grateful for our churches' response to our building campaign. With pledges still coming in, over $427,000 has been committed over the next three years! That ...
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October 19, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful time of fellowship this past Sunday, as we dug into the Word for spiritual food, and then broke bread together after the worship service! It was awesome to look around at nametags during lunch and see when others became a part of our church family. Some recently, some many years agobut we are all one family in Christ.
This Sunday, as we finish our series ...
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October 12, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Weekly Posting
Like most everyone, I was shocked by the power of Hurricane Matthew this past weekend. Although we avoided a direct hit, scores of people in our community were dealing with flooding, power outages, and downed trees. Many roads were impassable. The weather predictions, which seemed more and more optimistic as the week went on, were just a little bit off. It happens.
But Go...
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October 5, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday will be the fourth Sunday of our By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations campaign, as we focus on "Celebration."
Our text, Nehemiah 8:1-12, resounds with joy. What is the source of this joy? It is God. As Philippians 4:4 says, we can "rejoice in the Lord always." Specifically, we can rejoice in God as we understand and trust in the promises of God's Word. ...
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September 28, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
The Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 5:8-9, "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around l...
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September 21, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Someone once said, "Faith is taking the first step, even when you can't see the whole staircase."
That applies to the second chapter of Nehemiah, which we will study this week. Last week we saw that Nehemiah, a Jewish exile living in Persia, received devastating news: Jerusalem, God's special city, the city that was supposed to be a beacon of light for the nations, was in...
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September 14, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we are going to begin a five-week break from Mark to study the exciting Book of Nehemiah. We will then resume our study of Mark, finishing chapter 10 before the holidays. After that, we will have some special Thanksgiving and Christmas messages, and then we will pick back up with Mark 11 in January, finishing the series on Easter Sunday!
That's the road map. B...
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September 7, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will dig into Mark 9:30-50, as we see what God's Word says about "True Greatness."
Perhaps on no other subject is the Christian worldview so diametrically opposed to that of the world. Then and now, "greatness" in the eyes of the world is all about power, position, status, and rank. We are taught to head for the top in all those ways. But Jesus says we are gr...
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August 31, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This week we will study Mark 9:14-29 and talk about "Connecting Our Inadequacy To God's Adequacy."
Jesus, along with Peter, James, and John, are coming down from the mountain, where Jesus has been gloriously transfigured. But immediately they are hit in the face by the brokenness of this world.
There is a boy who is suffering terribly, afflicted by a demon who is using a...
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August 24, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a wonderful blessing this past Sunday to celebrate 15 years of ministry among us on the part of Michael and Mary Jane Turner! We are all so thankful for Michael's heart for the gospel and for excellence in the praise of God, and it was great to be able to celebrate with them and show our appreciation for this precious couple. Thank you, Michael and Mary Jane!!
This w...
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August 17, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was wonderful to be back in the pulpit this Sunday, and to look at Peter's confession of Jesus as "the Christ" with you. As we talked about Sunday, "Christ" means "Messiah." So Peter was saying to Jesus, "You are the Messiah."
Now, this week, we will see that Jesus is going to say, "Here is what that means." And it didn't mean what Peter (or any of the disciples, or an...
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August 10, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It has been a blessing to have a season of rest and refreshment for the past couple of weeks, and a blessing for our church to hear others proclaim God’s Word.
I am thankful for wonderful lay teachers like Corby Amos, and for missionaries like Joe. Hearing one of our own laymen preach is such a healthy thing for a congregation, because it shows that the gift of teaching...
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July 20, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was wonderful last week to host VBS at First-Suffolk! Aren't you thankful for all the wonderful volunteers who give of themselves to make VBS possible? And our Children's Ministry Director, Jeanette Hampton, does such an awesome job. Be praying for the seeds of the gospel to bear fruit for eternity in the lives of the precious children who attended.
Also be in prayer f...
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July 19, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It has been a wonderful, exciting week at First-Suffolk as our campus buzzed with the energy of Vacation Bible School. I still have vivid memories of my VBS days. Cookies and Kool-Aid in the old Fellowship Hall downstairs, games in the parking lot out back, marching in for the pledges. But most of all the caring people who taught me God's Word. What a blessing to see all t...
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July 6, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will be studying Mark 7:1-23, as we see what God's Word says about "Heart Transformation."
As you read and pray over this text, consider the following:
Think about what Jesus says in verse 6, and ask yourself, "What are the ways in which I may be honoring God with my lips, but not my heart?"
Thinking about verse 7, are there areas where we have taken a ...
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June 29, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Last week, I shared a couple of highlights from the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis. This week, I want to round out that report by sharing a bit more.
The biggest reason that our denomination was founded was to support missions. The delegates who came together that day in 1845 (a group that included the Pastor of FBC-Suffolk) believed that their churches could ...
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June 22, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
FBC is blessed to be a part of a family of churches, the Southern Baptist Convention. In fact, our church has been a part of the SBC family since its inception. On the day in 1845 when the original delegates gathered in Augusta, GA, to found the SBC, the pastor of FBC-Suffolk was one of them!
I was not able to attend this year's gathering in St. Louis, but I do want to sh...
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June 22, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
We awoke this past Sunday morning to the news that yet another mass shooting had occurred in our nation. Throughout the day, as the death toll mounted, we were all asking the question, "Is this kind of thing ever going to end?"
As is so often the case, God provided a timely answer to the question of the day. Long before Sunday morning, Scott Zeller had planned on preachin...
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June 8, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What a great joy it has been to walk through the gospel of Mark with you all recently. We have almost completed six chapters, and God is using this action-packed gospel to teach us and form us! I encourage you to continue to read it, over and over. It is especially helpful to read over the upcoming passage in advance. I will keep you up to date each week in this column on ...
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June 1, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
Last Sunday we dove into the first twenty-nine verses of Mark 6 as we talked about "Missed Opportunities and Mission Opportunities." We saw that Jesus went home to Nazareth, where the people missed an incredible opportunity. Mark 6:5 tells us that, because of their unbelief, Jesus "could do no mighty work there." How often do we miss the opportunity for God to do something...
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May 25, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Mark 6:1-29. It is all about "Missed Opportunities and Mission Opportunities."
We will look at three sections in these verses.
First, in verses 1-6, we will see what happens when Jesus returns to his hometown of Nazareth. (It would also be helpful to look at Luke 4:16-30.)
Consider the following as you read over these verses:
Is the rejectio...
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May 18, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will explore an incredibly exciting passage in God's Word, Mark 5:21-43. Mark, as we have seen, is the gospel of action. It is super fast-paced. Mark peppers his gospel with the words "immediately" and "at once."
It is difficult to imagine any chapter in the Bible that is more fast-paced than the fifth chapter of Mark. The action leaves the reader breathles...
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May 11, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
I hope you all are enjoying our study of the Gospel of Mark as much as me. It is such a rich blessing to walk through this scintillating narrative, seeing and savoring the portrait of Jesus that it provides.
In chapter 4 we saw that Jesus is teaching the people in parables. He is in a boat, and they are gathered on the shore, near Capernaum. This past Sunday we saw that a...
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May 4, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will study Mark 4:35-41, in which Jesus proves himself to be "Lord Over The Storm." Have you ever felt like you were bailing water out of a sinking boat in the middle of a life storm? Have you ever been afraid or terrified by what life seems to be throwing at you? We've all been there. This message is for us.
As you ponder this text in preparation for the L...
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April 27, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
This Sunday we will continue our study of parables in Mark's gospel, as we delve into Mark 4:21-34. Here, Jesus tells three parables, back to back to back. All are slightly different, but also have some things in common. As you read and pray over these three parables, consider the following:
First, in the parable of the lamp:
Notice Jesus' sense of humor in verse 21. H...
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April 20, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
What an absolutely wonderful weekend we just experienced in the life of our church! Operation Suffolk began this Friday night, with between 80 and 90 students and leaders. Melissa and I were blessed to host a dozen High School girls and leaders, and I can't say enough about these young ladies. They dug into God's Word in their Bible studies. They engaged in deep discussion...
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April 14, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
How sweet it was to be a part of worship this past Sunday at FBC! We got to witness Christian baptism, which is always a highlight. How wonderful to see the new life that Jesus provides, so clearly portrayed as new disciples were "buried in the likeness of his death" and "raised in the likeness of his resurrection!"
Praise God for the new people he is bringing into his fa...
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April 5, 2016
by Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.
Pastor Weekly Article
It was great to get away with family for the girls' Spring Break last week. We were able to spend a few days in the Florida sun, and it was fun. A couple of highlights:
Having dinner with one of my mentors, former FBC pastor, JC Mitchell, and his wife, Carol. Although JC is almost 88, he is still going strong. In fact, he has planted a huge vegetable garden, which he tend...
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