Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Pastor Post-December 10, 2024

This Sunday we will continue with our Advent series, The Word Became Flesh, by digging into John 1:10-13.  The message is entitled, “Born Of God.”

What does it mean to be a child of God?  How do we become a child of God?  What does it mean to “believe?” To “receive?” To be “born again?” 

These verses take us deep into the heart of our Christian faith.  It would be a wonderful Sunday to bring a friend.  Who’s your one?  Give them a call and invite them to join you this Sunday.

What a joy to celebrate our Ingathering for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this past Sunday!  What a beautiful thing to see you streaming forward with gifts that will impact lives for all eternity.  Our goal is $60,000, and as I write these words we are already at $50,000.  That is wonderful news.  Our offering continues through the end of the year, and we are well on our way to meeting our goal.  Perhaps the Spirit will prompt you to help us meet and exceed the goal. 

I’m excited about this Sunday:  Worship on Sunday morning, and an evening of Scripture and Songs at 6:30pm, as we sing the songs of Christmas and hear God’s Word that relates to those songs.  There will be a time of fellowship afterwards.  As one of those songs says, “Come and worship!  Come and worship!  Worship Christ the newborn King!”

Until then, stay close to Jesus.  Look up to Him in faith and out to others in love.  

By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations,

Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.