Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Pastor Post-October 29, 2024

This Sunday, as we continue walking through Daniel, we will look at Daniel 10:20-11:20, as we talk about “The Nature Of Our Warfare.” This section of Daniel covers hundreds of years of history, and we will see that all of history is being moved by God toward His appointed ends.
Speaking of history, this will be my last column before the election next Tuesday. If you haven’t already, I hope you will vote, and that you will take biblical values into the voting booth with you.
There is so much on the line in this election:
The right of unborn babies to live vs. abortion right up to the point of birth.
Secure borders vs. open borders.
Law and order vs. disorder and crime.
Support of Israel vs. non-support.
Appointment of judges who will uphold religious liberty vs. the appointment of judges who will destroy it.
Support for the traditional family and gender according to God’s design vs. a world where men are playing women's sports and taxpayers are funding “sex change” operations and abortions.
A free enterprise economy vs. a march toward socialism.
Loving people regardless of their race vs. using critical race theory to pit people against one another.
A world where our police and military feel supported vs. a world where they are constantly undermined.
A world where terrorists and totalitarians view America as strong vs. a world where they are emboldened and enabled by our weakness.
We do not have the luxury of voting for a perfect candidate. In fact, we will never have that luxury in a fallen world. All we can do is vote for the best possible candidate. And remember this: You are not only voting for that candidate, but for the thousands of judges and appointments that will be made in that President’s administration. What kind of people do you want in those positions? What kind of worldview do you want those people to have?
Regardless of what happens on November 5th, we will still live in a world that needs Christ on November 6th. Jesus will still be Lord. God will still be good. His promises will still stand. And He will still be on the throne.
Be in much prayer for our nation. I’ll see you on Sunday.

By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations,

Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.