Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Pastor Post - July 20, 2016

It was wonderful last week to host VBS at First-Suffolk! Aren’t you thankful for all the wonderful volunteers who give of themselves to make VBS possible? And our Children’s Ministry Director, Jeanette Hampton, does such an awesome job. Be praying for the seeds of the gospel to bear fruit for eternity in the lives of the precious children who attended.

Also be in prayer for our students at MissionFuge in Philadelphia this week. This can be a powerful, life-changing trip for our High School students, as they engage in a variety of ministries and learn more about the Savior. Pray for God to do incredible things in them and through them this week. We’ll be hearing a report from them this Sunday evening.

It was also a blessing this past Wednesday to approve our budget, workers, and volunteers for the 2016-2017 church year. God has blessed our church with such a sweet spirit of unity. I believe He has exciting things in store for FBC this year.

This Sunday we will study Mark 8:1-21. As you read and pray over this text, consider:

  • What are the similarities between this feeding and the one in chapter 6? What are the differences?
  • How do these feedings relate to what Jesus says in John 6:35?
  • Why were the disciples so slow to believe? Why are we sometimes so slow to trust God?
  • What can God do with what we offer to Him?

I love to preach to a receptive congregation, like the one we have at First-Suffolk! Please pray for me as I prepare, and prepare your heart by reading over the text and coming to the service prayed up.

See you this Sunday!

Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.