Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Pastor Post - June 6, 2018

This past Sunday was a bittersweet day in the life of our faith family, as we said “good-bye” to the Andersons. But what a sweet, sweet spirit there is in our church family – and a missional spirit! We understand that we are sending this family out to do ministry, and that the Kingdom is much bigger than our church. Furthermore, God is faithful to provide. Be in prayer for our next Student Pastor. It would be wonderful if someone could be here soon, and keep the good momentum going without missing a beat. With your prayers, it can happen! 

Also be in prayer for our family of churches, the Southern Baptist Convention. We will meet in Dallas, beginning on Sunday. There are many important issues on the table, and I look forward to giving you a report sometime upon our return. Also, be in prayer for the International Mission Board. In addition to the SBC, I have IMB Trustee meetings in Dallas this Sunday and Monday. David will be preaching in my stead, on Psalm 78. 

I’ll be back in the pulpit for Father’s Day, when we will be looking at Romans 8:12-17. More and more, I sense the Spirit of God working in our church family. I’m so thankful to be a part of it, and to be your pastor! 

By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations,  

Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.