Pastor Post - March 11, 2020
This Sunday we will continue to work our way through the Sermon on the Mount, as we look at Matthew 7:1-6, as Jesus talks about something we all want to avoid: “The Critical, Fault-Finding Spirit.” As always, read and pray over the text in advance. It will help you get the most out of it on Sunday.
By this time, we are all aware of the coronavirus that is making its way around the world. Even worse than the spread of corona is the spread of fear and panic, fueled by 24-hour news.
At the same time, as Christians we must take this seriously. What can we do?
First, pray. Pray for a cure to be quickly found, and that God will get the glory. Pray for wisdom and courage for leaders, especially Vice-President Pence as he leads our nation’s efforts to limit the spread. Pray for people to turn to the Lord.
Second, pay attention. Pay attention to legitimate authorities, not hype or social media. Go to to get accurate information. Also, pay attention to your habits. The most effective thing to do is wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. I make it a habit to say the Lord’s Prayer very slowly and thoughtfully as I wash them. It takes at least 20 seconds, and it is a blessing!
Personally, I have stopped touching my face and rubbing my eyes, and I wash my hands many, many, many times every day. In addition, when I am not in a position or place where I can wash my hands, I keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer with me that contains over 60% alcohol, which the CDC recommends.
Maybe this situation will cause us to develop habits that will continue to help us stay healthier after the corona episode has passed…and it will pass. But our God will never leave us or forsake us.
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