Pastor Post - March 25, 2020
Hey FBC family,
These are difficult days for us as a country. It is certainly challenging, but it is important to remember that our nation has been through much worse – two World Wars and other wars in which hundreds of thousands of American lives were lost, and millions more overseas. So although the coronavirus situation is a serious disruption, it is not that kind of a sacrifice. But it is a trial, to be sure. I am convinced that we will emerge from this trial stronger as a nation and as a church. Americans are rallying together to fight this and to protect others, and as Christians we need to model that.
By now most all of you know that the Governor has issued this statement: “Effective 11:59pm, Tuesday, March 24, 2020 until 11:59pm, Thursday, April 23, 2020, all public and private in person gatherings of 10 or more individuals are prohibited.”
Obviously, that means that the earliest we could resume worship would be the 26th of April. We will keep you constantly updated.
I’m sure you are staying as close to home as possible these days, and I want to share something with you that will hopefully be a blessing to you. I wrote this for people on Facebook, and it has special relevance for Christians during these days. Here it is:
Ephesians 5:16 instructs us to be “making the most of the time.” How can we make the most of this unique time in our lives?
Here are 7 principles that can help!
- Spend more time in prayer and the Bible.
- Jot down a game plan for each day. You don’t have to be a slave to it, but this will help you not to flounder.
- WISELY use social media and internet. This is a time when social media can be great, and technology can be great. But be wise. Use it to stay plugged in with people and church, but don’t obsessively click in for the latest news.
- Limit TV time and mix it with good books. Nothing wrong with screen time, but balance it with reading.
- Get outside and exercise. Fortunately, this hit just as the weather is getting warmer. Get out of the house! Take walks. Run if that’s your thing.
- Check in with friends and neighbors. Call and see how they are doing. Care.
- Stay connected to your church. Use your church web site and follow your church and pastors on social media. Watch the sermons, with an open Bible in your hands. And continue to support your church financially.
We are gonna get through this thing, friends! It is temporary, but lifelong good habits can come from it. Be encouraged!
This Sunday, I’m going to be preaching another message that I pray our Lord will use to speak to your heart. Our text will be Mark 6:45-52. It will be posted on Facebook and our church website on Sunday morning by 9am, and I believe it will be a great encouragement to you. Watch and share with others!
Pastor Thurman
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