Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Pastor Post - September 7, 2022

This Sunday, as we continue in our study of the life of Joseph, we will look at Genesis 44:1-45:15.  The title of the message is, “Oh, What God Can Do!” 

In many ways, this is the climactic moment of the story.  This is where it has all been leading.  You won’t want to miss this Sunday!  

Our Fall schedule kicked off this Wednesday night, with AWANA, Student Midweek, and a discipleship class called Rediscover Church.  Be in prayer for all of it, and for our new church year. 

And please be in prayer for me as I leave on Monday for a quick trip to the Middle East.  This is a trip that was scheduled for March of 2020 but was cancelled due to Covid-related travel shut-downs.  I will get to visit some of our churches’ workers in that part of the world, in a country where they rarely get visitors, so this is a unique opportunity to encourage them and learn about the great work they are doing.  

On September 18th, my good friend Jeff Mingee, from our SBCV team, will be preaching in my stead.  Years ago, I had the privilege of helping to mentor Jeff and serve with him.  He is an excellent preacher, and you will be blessed.  I’ll be back in the pulpit on September 25th, and we will finish our series on Joseph.  

I’ll see you this Sunday, with a Bible in my hand!  

By His Grace, For His Glory, To The Nations, 

Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr.