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Sermons from 2014
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 21, 2014
What It Means to Be a Child of God; Galatians 4:1-7
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–4:7
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December 14, 2014
From Glory to Glory; Philippians 2:1-11
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Philippians 2:1–2:11
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December 7, 2014
Good News to Be Shared; Romans 1:1-5
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Romans 1:1–1:5
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November 30, 2014
A Helmet, A Sword, and a Walkie-Talkie; Ephesians 6:17-24
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:17–6:24
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November 23, 2014
The Shoes of Readiness...The Shield of Faith; Ephesian 6:15-16
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:15–6:16
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November 16, 2014
Armed for Battle; Ephesians 6:10-14
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–6:14
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November 9, 2014
Paul's Greatest Hope; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Speaker: Mr. Corby Amos Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12–15:20
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November 2, 2014
Principles of Spiritual Warfare; Ephesians 6:10-12
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–6:12
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October 26, 2014
Excellence for God's Glory; Ephesians 6:5-9
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon
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October 19, 2014
God's Instructions for Parents and Children; Ephesians 6:1-4
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon
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October 12, 2014
The Stimulating Power of the Holy Spirit; Ephesians 5:18-33
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 5:18–5:33
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October 5, 2014
Mission or Impostor; Acts 2:42-47
Speaker: Rev. Michael Anderson Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:42–2:47
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September 28, 2014
Watch Your Step; Ephesians 5:15-18
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 5:15–5:18
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September 21, 2014
Living as a Child of Light; Ephesians 5:5-14
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 5:5–5:14
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September 14, 2014
Catching the Wave of Purity and Freedom; Ephesians 5:3-8
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 5:3–5:8
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September 7, 2014
Can You Relate?; Eph 4:25-5:2
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:25–5:2
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August 31, 2014
People Made New; Ephesians 4:17-24
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:17–4:24
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August 24, 2014
You Are A Gifted Child: Ephesians 4:7-16
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:7–4:16
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August 17, 2014
Living Up to Your Calling; Ephesians 4:1-6
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–4:6
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August 10, 2014
Praying for Godly Power and Love; Ephesians 3:14-21
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–3:21
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August 3, 2014
Mystery, Mission, and Manifold Wisdom; Ephesians 3:1-13
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 3:1–3:13
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July 27, 2014
Who We Now Are in Christ; Ephesians 2:10-22
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 2:10–2:22
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July 20, 2014
Rescue and Life in Christ; Ephesians 2:8-10
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 2:8–2:10
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July 13, 2014
Who We Were and Who We Are; Ephesians 2:1-7
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–2:7
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July 6, 2014
Open the Eyes of Our Hearts; Ephesians 1:15-23
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–1:23
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June 29, 2014
The Good Shepherd; Psalm 23
Speaker: Mr. Alan Cruz Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Psalm 23:1–23:6
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June 22, 2014
Make Me a Servant; 2 Corinthians 4:5
Speaker: Rev. Lindsay Poteat Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:5
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June 15, 2014
The Wonder of Life in Christ; Ephesians 1:7-14
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:7–1:14
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June 8, 2014
Unwrapping Your Blessings; Ephesians 1:3-6
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–1:6
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June 1, 2014
Getting God's Word to the Next Generation; Psalm 78:1-7
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Psalm 78:1–78:7
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May 25, 2014
Blessings You Can Never Lose: Ephesians 1:3
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–1:3
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May 18, 2014
Introducing Ephesians; Ephesians 1:1-2
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Ephesians: Building Up the Body of Christ Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: Ephesians 1:1–1:2
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May 11, 2014
You Follow Me; John 21:15-25
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 21:15–21:25
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May 4, 2014
Stranger on the Shore; John 21:1-14
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 21:1–21:14
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April 27, 2014
Dealing with Doubt; John 20:24-31
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 20:24–20:31
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April 20, 2014
Uncontained Hope; John 20:1-28
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 20:1–20:28
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April 13, 2014
What's the Cross All About; John 19:16-42
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Palm Sunday Scripture: John 19:16–19:42
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April 6, 2014
We Can Be Accepted Because He Was Condemned; John 19:1-16a
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 19:1–19:16
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March 30, 2014
Jesus' Trial and Peter's Denial; John 18:12-40
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 18:12–18:40
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March 23, 2014
The Arrest of Jesus; John 18:1-11
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 18:1–18:11
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March 16, 2014
Jesus Prays for His Church; John 16:30-17:26
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 16:30–17:26
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March 9, 2014
The Work of the Holy Spirit; John 16:1-24
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 16:1–16:24
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March 2, 2014
Full Disciples; John 15:1-11
Speaker: Rev. David Edgell Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 15:1–15:11
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February 23, 2014
Comfort & Question; John 14:1-14
Speaker: Rev. Michael Turner Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon
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February 16, 2014
Demonstration of Love; John 13:1-35
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 13:1–13:35
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February 9, 2014
Plot, Pouring, and Prophecy; John 11:45 - 12:32
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 11:45–12:32
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February 2, 2014
The Seventh and Ultimate Sign-Resurrection; John 11:1-44
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 11:1–11:44
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January 26, 2014
Seeing with New Eyes; John 9
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 9:1–9:41
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January 19, 2014
Eyes on the Prize; John 6:1-21
Speaker: Rev. Marty Terrell Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 6:1–6:21
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January 12, 2014
Joining God in His Work; John 5:1-17
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 5:1–5:17
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January 5, 2014
Taking God at His Word; John 4:46-54
Speaker: Dr. Thurman Hayes, Jr. Series: Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of John Topic: Sunday AM Sermon Scripture: John 4:46–4:54
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