Sunday Worship 10:30am

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Archives for April 2019

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Pastor Post - April 17, 2019

Ok, the time is almost here Resurrection Day!! Our entire faith, everything we have staked our lives on, rises or falls with whether Jesus really rose from the dead. This Easter Sunday we will finish our study of Luke by looking at Luke 24, as we talk about "An Open Door." I hope to see you there, along with friends and family members who don't have a church home. If yo...

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Pastor Post - April 10, 2019

This Sunday Palm Sunday we will look at Luke 23 and talk about the "Crucifixion and Burial" of Jesus. As we prepare to take the Lord's Supper together, we'll dive deep into the meaning of the cross. I encourage you to prayerfully read through Luke 23 in preparation for the Lord's Day. Let's pray that we'll all emerge from Sunday with a deeper love for Jesus, and a deep...

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Pastor Post - April 3, 2019

This Sunday as we continue to walk through the events of Passion Week in Luke's Gospel, we'll look at Luke 22 and talk about "The Night of Nights." We'll look at the agony of our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal and arrest, and how all of this fits with the context of Passover. We'll also take a look at the character of Peter, and what we can learn from his...

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